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Martha (WB) Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



Brown Trout

I arrived at Martha lake (wb) today around 11:00 am, my target; German brown trout. I started off using a gold CD5 rapala, 3Rd cast in I get a violent strike, but I missed the hook set.. I continued casting and casting working a sort of fan pattern from the boat launch, no hits after 30 mins, so I switched to a panther Martin size 4, green yellow and red. Casted that for a while in vein. I tried power bait but it didn't do the trick. I switched to a brook trout colored cd5 rapala, I got a mother massive hit, this time I got him on, after a few head shakes my reel starts burning out line, I coax it around and it jumped, shaking the hook in the process, I was devastated, it was a solid fish for sure, then no hits again for a while, after a couple hours of fishing, having not landed one, I left to get on the bus, I got there and saw I had another hour to kill so I fished along side the road I tried the panther Martin, no luck, then I tried a gold castmaster, 2 cast later wham, solid hookset and landed, nice 14" brown. The action wasn't hot, but I had fun, shortly after catching the fish I left, weather was cloudy rainy but no wind, fish surfaced very infrequently throughout the day. Temp wasn't too cold though even in the rain.


1/31/2013 9:42:00 AM
Sounds like a pretty good trip too me!....and the promise of something to go back for. Thanks for the report.
1/31/2013 2:55:00 PM
Kastmasters are the best and most vestal lure there is out there. It works for almost any fish and in both fresh and saltwater. I'm surprised more people don't use them. I use the almost all the time. It works when nothing else does. Nice job jonb!!!! Browns are aggressive and a lot of fun.
1/31/2013 2:56:00 PM
Sorry, meant "versatile" not "vestal."
3/24/2013 11:56:00 AM
Was this Martha AM? I'se never seen Browns in WB. Just rainbows and perch.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709