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Chelan Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
41° - 45°

I woke up this morning with fishin on my mind! I had a new (to me anyway) Scotty DownRigger to set up, and was itching to try it out. So I removed the wire that was on it, and spooled 650 feet of Power Pro 250# test Braid on the Scotty. Then I removed the existing Big jon rigger that has been going out on me, and mounted the Scotty base. Mounted the Scotty to the base and found out I didn't have the connectors I had thought I had, So off to Wal-Mart. Rolled into the parking lot, and ran into Joe from Lake Chelan Adventures. So taking advantage of the meeting, I started plying him with questions about the Lake trout bite. After a short instructional conversation with Joe, I gathered up the desired connectors to get me on the water. After a short splicing episode with the electrics, I was ready to try it out. Launched at the PUD launch at the lower end of the lake, and there adjusted the placement of the auto stop bead, so the Rigger ball would be where I wanted it at retrieve stop. Headed out to the deep water out from Rocky point to let out the new braid so I could respool under pressure. Dropped the 12# ball to the bottom (thanks Joe for the tip of the Braid wanting to cut into the spooled line due to the loose spooling), and let the breeze move me along to spool out the rest of the line. The bottom is fairly flat and free of obstacles at this area, so I felt safe not to tangle with the braid spooled out. braid out, engage the retrieve on the Scotty and we're respooling. Everything went smoothly and the braid was spooled under pressure so I was ready to get to fishing. I hadn't marked any fish so decided to check out the areas of the lower trench mentioned earlier by Joe. Hooked up a green spatterback Ace HiFly with a slice of "pike Minnow" on tthe hook, dropped it down close to the bottom, 210' depth. On the other rod (two pole endorsement), I put on a flasher and followed with a chartruse glow cut plug by Bradley's. I placed a sliver of PikeMinnow in the lure and dropped this to the bottom also. Trolled zig-zag patern from 160 to 220 feet of water trying to find the active depth, trying to keep the bait within 5 feet or so of the bottom. After wearing off the excitment of trying out the new Scotty the fishing was feeling kinda slow. just a few hits but no takers. In about 180 feet of water off rocky point I had a take down. Popped the line off the clip, took up the slack line and there was a head shake. Fish ON!. I reset the hook and was feeling good about doing battle, the down rigger was on auto retrieve and life was good. It just got better when the second rod started the "got a fish bitting" dance. Reeled the one up tight, put it in the rod holder and grabbed the other rod. I had forgoten how much work it can be to run two rods sometimes. Fitst hook up of the day and it a double. Turned out the fish were small lake trout 3-4 pounds, but it was all good. Fished around the lower trench until around 3:30. during that time I got approx 15-20 hits, with about 8 hook-ups, but only got 6 to the boat. Biggest around 5-6 pounds, but to me a successful day. The Scotty worked flawlessly and I am looking to a great time of using it. can't wait for the kokes. Surprisingly the cut plug bait from Bradley's got the most action today. May have to play around with rigging next time out. Thanks Mike for holding the Scotty for me. It is a great addition to the fishing arsenal. Tight lines and hungry fish everyone.


2/22/2013 2:36:00 PM
Good report Loui, It's always a adventure trying out new equipment. Have been using Scotty's over 20 years, and really like them, while fishing for Chinook Salmon last year I had one of the line counters malfunction, when I called the Scotty factory I was expecting to get some argument on the Lifetime Guarantee, but it was just the opposite, the lady I talked to apoligized that I was having a problem, then mailed the replacment part out the same day, at no charge. Will probably put braided line on mine before using them again, any other tips on using the braid, other than spooling it on tight? One other question, why 650', I was thinking 300' would be adequate? Looking forward to your next report. Ken
blufin loui
2/22/2013 3:08:00 PM
Thanks For the comment Ken. One thing I had concerns about was the auto stop bead, It looks small and fragil, but it has worked with no probs. There is a differencet stop bead for braid and for wire. They look similar but something to be aware of. As far as why the footage of line, well I got a hankering to fish the "Abys" above the yacht club here in Lake chelan, and I've trolled down to 350' and there is blow back with that depth and I try to bump bottom to make sure where the ball is to keep the bait in close proxemety to the bottom for the lakers. And Yes I have gotten fish at that depth (although not many) and some of them were just 3-4 pounders. , so Just to be on the safe side. :)
2/22/2013 6:11:00 PM
There is nothing like it when a new toy works right! Thanks for the report!
Mike Carey
2/22/2013 8:23:00 PM
Curious about the respooling under pressure - did you have a weight attached and let out all the line? Otherwise, what would cause the pressure? Glad the Scotty worked out for you. Sure looks great on your boat! Best purchase I've made in some time. I have to respool my one as well. Waiting for a day off to get to it. JoAnn and I have talked about getting out to Chelan for the kokanee this spring, probably will have to give the lakers a shot too.
blufin loui
2/23/2013 4:37:00 AM
You're welcome afk. @ Mike, I had a 12# ball attached to the line, and when the ball settled on the bottom, the boat drifted to spool "off" the rest of the line. Then when retreived, the ball was pulled across the bottom or the boat was pulled back to the ball. Thus the respool was tight and clean. When I initially spooled the line on, I didn't have as much pressure on the line. Hope it works out for the kokanee trip. They are always a fun trip.
3/3/2013 11:19:00 PM
Hi Loui,
Did you use a dodger? What leader length did you use? Where did you get pike minnow?
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709