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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



51° - 55°
41° - 45°

Targeting a species and catching one of them are two different things; especially when it comes to kokanee! Trolled from 0800 to noon and picked up this 14 1/2" cutt on an 80 foot longline out in front of the VA fishing dock. I wish I had a GoPro today, because I think we would have recorded the koke pushing the cutt at my hooks. They are NOT ready to surrender any of their own kind.

But, it was the nicest day on the water this year and no water skiers. Water temp is still only 44.5 degrees. The dodger it the pix is 6" and the lure is homemade with glow stack beads and an orange Spin-n-Glow . Used Carp Spit cured shoepeg and Herring Oil in the scent chamber.


3/9/2013 7:43:00 PM
Keep it up and you will get one.
3/9/2013 8:42:00 PM
Nice report! I'm still looking for my first American Lake Kokanee. Will be out there soon.
3/9/2013 10:07:00 PM
Really nice cutty Lou. Say, your not the typical fishermen, are you? By that I mean, your report states the Cut to be 14 1/2". But your tape reveals something "longer" than that. Looks to be just shy of 15 1/2. Longer than reported, that just does not happen.........often that is !!! Thanks for the report, and understatement in the actual length of your fishy. I recently picked up some glow stack beads in 4,5 and 6mm. Good to know those beads have a chance at catching something slimy!
3/9/2013 10:12:00 PM
Or is your tape confusing to read?. Cause, I just did a google conversion for 37mm to inches. Which, equals 14.56 inches.
Lou Smith
3/9/2013 10:34:00 PM
Moto, They only numbered the even inches, so 4 spaces left of the 16 is the 15" line. It is a plastic jig (WalMart) with a "nose bumper" on the zero and the rest of the numbers are under the fish. I should mark the odd inches with a Sharpie.
3/10/2013 1:06:00 AM
Nice report! I heard on the radio that there have been a couple of kokanee caught. Everyday we get closer!! can't wait :)
3/10/2013 4:11:00 PM
Thanks for the "kind" clarification Lou. This lake is high on my bucket list, for a visit.
3/10/2013 6:12:00 PM
Nice fish Lou. I've only fished American once. We caught a lot of Rainbows. We had a good time and I will be back.
3/11/2013 8:52:00 AM
great report lou! I saw your flag out there, it was good to see you trying. I took my boat out friday and was really hoping to get my first koke of the year but as hard as it is for me to say it did not happen. I am having knee surgery on tuesday so I wanted to take my boat out atleast 1 time before I am not able to do anything for a while.
Side note I have never caught a koke with the watermelon dodger I always use that for trout.. My water temp was reading between 43 and 44, cant wait for it to hit 54.
Good luck out there Lou!
Mike Carey
3/11/2013 10:00:00 AM
LOL, the "radio" shows are reporting what they read on this site.
Lou Smith
3/11/2013 10:31:00 AM
Mike, That is the same dodger I had on when I caught the 18" koke last fall!
3/14/2013 10:04:00 PM
Nice Catch! Is that a Oregon tackle sent chamber? If so how do you like it and do you feel it improves your fishing? Thanks for the report
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709