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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA


66° - 70°
Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
Sinking Fly Line
56° - 60°

Launched from the boys scouts end of the lake with a 2nd part of a little experiment in mind. Some history for the reader, I usually use power bait, floating off the bottom. I tie up on the Western most float in front of the boy scouts swimming area and work the area with great success. From opening until early June, sun or rain I'm usually there most weeks in my little beat up 12 foot boat, I limit out on all outings.
I read Uncle Wes's book for fishing the Western Washington Lakes and decided to try "Blue Collar Flyfishing". Last Friday I trolled with a #8 green and black woolly bugger, with really good success. Found that the area along the boys scouts cabins to be extremely productive. I have the two pole endorsement so the green woolly bugger stayed on one pole and experimented with different colors, depths, on the other. It took some time but eventually I had 5 fish in the boat and went home. In case your wondering, the green woolly bugger, down deep, worked the best.
Sunday afternoons experiment was the introduction of the" Smile Blade". I added a silver blade in front of the already proven green woolly bugger, man what a difference. I started with both poles rigged the same, line weight, leader length, fly size and color, the difference being one had the Smile Blade, one did not. The Blade spinning side caught fish the other did not.
Moral of the story, don't be afraid to try new rigs, even if you have something that works.
Bottom line.................limited out in two hours.


Uncle Wes
6/3/2013 10:39:00 AM
Hey Don, Happy to hear it worked out for you, also that you read my book. I have even upped the size of my flies to a #4. Are you using a type VI sinking? Silver Lake was my home water for quite sometime.
6/3/2013 11:17:00 AM
This is my home water and I generally spend opening day weekend and at least one weekend a month thereafter for the past 5+ years fishing here. I generally use power bait off the bottom here as well but the last time I did quite a bit of trolling. I also had a great success adding a flasher. I used a small chrome flasher, short leader and a black and pink dick nite tipped with worm and just slayed them. My brother consisently uses pop gear and a small spoon or needlefish and limits out in a few hours most of the time. I've caught alot of fish trolling black and green wolly buggers, both on top and deep depending on the time. My favorite spots are by the floats at the Camp and directly across the lake from there by the big, dead tree. On my last visit, I discovered a HUGE bass hanging out on the shallow end, over a large oldgrowth stump. No luck catching him.
6/3/2013 11:40:00 PM

I plan on following your suggestions on a number of local lakes, Samish is next in line.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709