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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kapowsin Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



76° - 80°
Rainbow Trout

Love this lake, kinda grew up on it really.
Parked next to the leftovers of someones broken window. I came here with the break-ins on my mind, parked next to glass, and boated away hoping that the fully packed parking lot would deter would be vandals long enough to get some fishing in. be warned if you go to this lake. I recommend Erikson's boat launch over this place, seems more secure...however you can only launch very light weight (by hand) boats there.

Started working the shoreline but got bored quickly with no bites, so we switched to trolling up and down the middle. everyone was catching at least 'some' fish. my best luck seemed to be a very large spoon, modified with a small snell hook versus the normal large treble that is on them.

added a worm and it was like magic. fish fish fish. but the fish were old and dead (just bought them too, should have inspected.) when I ran out, switched to power bait and still nailed them.

lost quite a few at the boat, and between my buddy and I still landed 7. decent day, kept the sunburn strong, got the old boat and motor going after 2 years of sitting, and returned to an intact car.

notice the very different colored meat in rainbows caught from the same lake.


6/15/2013 9:47:00 PM
Nice report...! My last haul at Kapowsin had really nice trout with pink mea too. I filleted them also but left them on the skin and smoked them up. They turned out a little strong so I added some to a chowder I made and it was dynamite.
6/17/2013 7:33:00 AM
good idea, I hadn't thought about trout chowder, might have to give that one a go-
10/11/2016 9:36:00 PM
The red meat fish is probably a landlocked salmon, or kokanee
10/11/2016 9:36:00 PM
The red meat fish is probably a landlocked salmon, or kokanee
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709