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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



61° - 65°
Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
56° - 60°

I only had a few hours to try to get fishing in this weekend so I got my kayak and headed down to O'Denny park. I launched there around 11 am and hit the docks going south from there. I picked up a few small perch on a gold Blue Fox spinner so I decided to switch to a Chuck Booker inline spinner in gold and green. I think this one is about 3/4 oz. Most of my fishing was in depths of 20 feet or less. Then when I got near the point I went around one of the dog legged docks and made a toss in less than six feet of water I think it was. This bass just smacked it. I had a good fishing rod to haul it away from the legs of the dock so I did that right away, in the event it twisted around one. It put up a good fight too. Ugly Stik lite baby. Anyway as soon as I landed that bass I was done and I rarely have that kind of luck. I spotted two guys on a bass boat on the way back. They mentioned that they at least hit one bass too. A brilliant hour or two on the water for me.


7/21/2013 7:09:00 PM
Did u keep it?
7/21/2013 7:17:00 PM
Yeah, I ate it. You can keep one largemouth bass over seventeen inches. This bass was 18.5
7/21/2013 7:50:00 PM
I am aware of the regs. I just try to promote catch and release. Especially on largemouth in lake Washington. Keep the smaller bass 12" and under and let the big ones swim away to do their thing and spread their genes. Plus the smaller ones ought to taste better since they haven't been in the lake as long eating all the crap that is in lake Washington now a days. Nice fish but think about c and r next time on the water so other people can enjoy the same great fight you experienced.
7/21/2013 8:05:00 PM
Whatever floats your boat. Why did you ask? Picture of dead fish on the kayak and holding the gills. I'm celebrating. I release a lot of fish. Just so happens it ain't this one. No regrets.
7/21/2013 8:15:00 PM
it was a simple question. didn't intend for you to get riled up. I wasn't bagging on you or saying anything negative. I simply was talking bout catch and release. I release every bass I catch. I leave the trout and salmon to be the food fish that com home. Just from what ive seen in other peoples dead bass in terms of what they eat. No thank you.
7/21/2013 8:27:00 PM
I'm not riled up at all but I do think you were questioning the legality and my ethics. You can do so all you please but at the same time I don't think this is the best place to do that in every case. Now had I a boat full of people with 5lbers for each person every week that might be something different, but I bass fish about a dozen times a year and usually catch one like this about every five years.
7/21/2013 8:51:00 PM
I wasn't questioning the legality at all. Frankly I figured if you were putting the picture up then it must be legal. And as for ethics to each their own honestly. I just know some people don't know the benefits to catch and release when it comes to bass because of the slower growing period in our state as well as the gene pools those fish create. All I was trying to do was pay info forward to help the next generation under me or maybe share some knowledge that you may have not known. If that makes me a bad person than so be it. But I do think regardless it is important to know the benefits to catch and release fishing when it comes to bass.
7/21/2013 9:01:00 PM
Why don't you move it into the forums for a discussion then? It sounds like a discussion to have. I am not interested in it at the moment. I don't think me harvesting the one largemouth bass out of Lake Washington since 1994 is going to put a big dent into the population.
Mike Carey
7/21/2013 9:35:00 PM
Agreed, the forums are the place for these kind of discussions.
Mike Carey
7/22/2013 8:02:00 AM
It can only go downhill from here. and with that, comments locked...
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709