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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


31° - 35°
Ice Fishing
Under 40°

Decided to hit the ice for a quick afternoon bite. Ice was about 5-7inches thick near the public launch... Got thinner the more south you headed. I fished a hole in about 30 feet of water. Caught a few dozen perch, but most all of them were not much bigger than the jig! Used a perch-colored vertical jig tipped with perch eye. Most were 3-5 inches. Caught three that were about 6 inches. Was fun pulling in a ton of fish, but just no size or fight. Did my best to pull them up slow so they didn't die. Puts the ones back that looked good, kept the ones that did die. Ended up keeping about a dozen that way... hate to see 'em wasted. Noticed another fisherman out there killing every fish he caught... left 'em on the ice if they were small. Don't know why, but don't like the waste!


1/19/2014 4:51:00 PM
That is how you thin out that population of stunted perch. The only way to achieve a perch population of quality fish is to reduce the # of competitors (dinks). Apparently the Muskie introduction to this lake didn't aid in the control of yellow perch, or the "trash fish" it was introduced to control, which in 17 years I have never encountered.. Take those dinks, or leave them for the herons, gulls and raccoons to feed on.
I love Silver but it needs some work. Just my opinion. Have a great winter.
1/19/2014 9:31:00 PM
Gravic55 you are right about them being stunted. We see that on alot of our waters. As far as the Tigermuskies go I think they prefere the planter trout. I know someone that claims he can catch the tigers anytime even when no one else is by throwing a rainbow pattern jerk bait that tells me thats what they want.
Mark K
1/22/2014 9:14:00 PM
They do not plant Silver with trout. They did many years ago with decent numbers, then reduced those numbers to almost nothing, and now havent planted trout in years. It is intended to be a warm water fishery. I dont doubt for a second that a trout pattern jerk bait would work, but it is just not true that trout is what theyre after as they are just not readily available to eat. I know there are still trout in there, but there are just not enough for the Muskies to target.
3/19/2014 7:48:00 PM
I caught a nice 27 inch walleye out of Silver about 10 years ago, so who knows about that lake. I would like to see them make a good crappie fishery in Silver again but the perch are the bane of crappie everywhere. There are lots of small bluegills in there too which means fewer crappie. Next year who knows what will emerge as the better fish.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709