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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chambers Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


41° - 45°
Stationary Fly Fishing
Cutthroat Trout
Floating Fly Line
Under 40°

Thought it was warm enough and the wind laid down to give it another try at the ponds and creek to my surprise the water went up more the fish were surfacing on small bugs but not that aggressive . Managed one strike thast I missed felt the fish take went to set and nada so tried more and thought give it a rest thaey are not that aggressive towards the fly I was presenting and never switched up which is what I should have done to an emerger about an 1/8 in size really small flies they are eating right now until it warms up then it will be on like donkey kong.


Clint from Texas
3/16/2014 1:55:00 PM
Chambers Lake is catch and release trout only right? As well as single point barbless hooks. But what about Muck creek on the south end of the lake? Do you know if there are any specific regulations there? I have only caught Cutthroat trout here, have you seen any other trout species there?
3/25/2014 9:03:00 AM
Catch and release for cuts, yep also on barbless, Not sure about muck creek but I fish it with same fly so legal I m sure but going to check the regs today, There used to be rainbows but haven't caught them lately, guessing they were either fished out or went into the creek cause later in summer chambers gets shallow and warm and rainbows can't handle the warm water so I believe they migrated out of the lake.
3/25/2014 9:20:00 AM
Checked the regs yep catch and release all trout under Nisqually creeks and tributaries there was no listing for muck creek I 'm sure you just follow the same rules for chambers as you do for Muck creek since they are connected to Nisqually via muck creek. Oh back in the day there use to be Brown trout in the system but they disappeared too. Went out Sunday went two for 8 biggest brought in oh 16 " their were bigger just not on my fly, barbless makes it a challenge that is for sure, they are fighters!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709