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Bosworth Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

After working a short day at my side job, i decided the day was still young, and drove out to bosworth to see how the bite in the afternoon is. I arrived at 3:45, prepped my gear/blew up my raft, on the water by 4:00. I started off with an olive spider on my 3 weight (sink tip line) and on my spinning set up; 3/8oz free sliding egg sinker, red bead, 18" line, size 6 octopus hook, half worm threaded mostly up the line so the hook is near the end of the crawler, to give a natural presentaion. First line in was the fly rod, and immediately got hits but missed them. The wind was blowing pretty good towards the far end of the lake, which is perfect, as the far end is the kill zone. About half way down the lake i get my first hook up on the worm set up, after missing several hits. I land my first trout of the day, i continue my drift, about 10 mimutes later another trout in the boat, by now ive made it to the far end of the lake, and sure enough the bite was on fire, there i was handling 2 rod trolling in a raft with oars with wind, setting the hook on one rod missed it, next rod gets hit, im reeling one in spinning in circles on my raft just total chaos, i land it another rainbow on board, i get my lines back in and get my self under control then wham another fish on, bring it in LANDLOCKED SALMON again!! This time its 11" and fat :) i im on my 4 th fish, so i start trolling towards the launch, 5 minutes into the row i catch my 5th fish, another trout. I arrived at the launch at 5:10 packed up and gone by 5:30. I love this lake, i have yet to not limit out at this lake this year.the streak continues...im starting to wonder if catching these salmon is a fluke or not. Ill try targetting them on purpose next trip, i believe they are indeed landlocked coho, they have spots on their backs/white gums.


8/17/2014 9:00:00 PM
Nice haul dawg
8/17/2014 9:11:00 PM
thanks bro!
8/18/2014 11:15:00 AM
That looks like a kokanee to me. Nice catch - Alan
8/18/2014 6:18:00 PM
@ downriggeral very well could be i havnt caught either a kok or landlocked salmon before this one and the one i got on saturday. ive been told it looks like a coho due to having spots on its back, which it does. looks like ill have to break down and due some research online and come up with my conclusion. i should also mention the fish had what looked like decomposing bugs and such in its stomach when i cleaned it.
8/18/2014 7:16:00 PM
after reviewing the interweb i find the most identifiable way to differentiate a kok or landlocked coho is the spots on a coho salmons back, they are virtually non existant on kokanee, my fish had spots, it is indeed a landlocked coho for sure.
8/18/2014 9:20:00 PM
How many fish were caught on each rig? (fly or worm)
8/18/2014 10:26:00 PM
1 coho and 3 trout on the worm, 1 trout on the spider, but i lost 2 at the boat on the spider and missed many light pecks too.
8/18/2014 11:11:00 PM
My humble opinion is that your fish is a koke. Actually, they can have faint spots on their back. I have noticed this on kokes I have caught – on some more than others. They never have spots on their tail, though. Coho do have spots on the upper lobe of their tail - but your fish doesn’t. The real giveaway is that big eyeball. Kokes evolved to have big eyes, they are plankton eaters and that extra vision helps them to see their prey. Notice how much bigger his eye is compared to the trout in the picture?

Just my .02, great catch and thanks for posting.
8/19/2014 7:13:00 AM
@kickerboat, now that you mention it, it does seem to have pretty large eyes ,.. well i guess the only way to really find out which species this is, is to catch more of them and get better pics,
8/20/2014 8:43:00 AM
Thats a Coho. Kokanee wont have that many spots. Also the dark gums is a dead give away
8/20/2014 11:22:00 AM
i went back this morning caught several of them and studied them, they do have faint spotting on the upper lobe of the tail, just hard to see in the pic, thanks everyone for the input :) so im siding with steelhead360 on this one, they are coho.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709