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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bosworth Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA




I arrived at bosworth at 5:30 am, i blew up my raft and prepped my gear in the twilight and on the lake by 5:45, i started off trolling clown dodger/yellow hoochie on one rod, and pink splatter dodger, and smile blade wedding ring on the other. First pass produced 2 bows, c&rd next pass produced 1 bow c&r and 1small landlocked salmon which i kept for research so i can finally get real definative answers on what they are. (I think landlocked coho) as the sun came up over the trees and the air temp rose the bite slowed down, but remained somewhat steady. I ended up catching 3 more rainbows, 1 more landlocked salmon, and one chrome bright beauty of a cutthroat which taped out to 13" and had the redest firmest meat ive seen all summer. There were quite a few more boats on the water than i usually see there today, they all were catching trout and salmon, just not as many as me ;) fish were very deep today, 30'-40'. I was the first of the fleet to limit out with 2 salmon 2 bows and ,1 cutthroat.


8/24/2014 8:37:00 PM
O..K., now we know for sure. Your fish has a white mouth, coho have black mouths with a white gumline. Your fish has big spots, coho have tiny black spots. Also the fact that there are no naturally occurring landlocked Coho, and Bosworth isn't landlocked anyway. These are Bosworth Special Spotted Kokanee, or jonb kokes for short.
8/24/2014 8:43:00 PM
ok they are jonb kokes, sounds good to me lol
8/24/2014 11:18:00 PM
Revised, ill name them jonb speckled kokes. Ok its official this time.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709