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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Armstrong Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


66° - 70°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
56° - 60°

Had to hit this little lake before it closes and it was what I expected, maybe a little slower than what I expected. Caught fish on Senko's fairly predictably, missed two on a small floating Rapala. Lost a nice one and missed another on a frog up in the NE corner where the creek dumps in.

Water temps were in the upper 50's and the fish were suspended for the most part (not much near shore). Laydowns produced, especially the parts in 11-13' of water. Still a pretty pronounced thermocline in this lake at about 16', too bad it closes for the season, I bet it would be hot come November!

I lost the only fish worth a picture, the rest went 10-15 inches.


10/26/2015 4:30:00 AM
Glad to see a report from you B8.
10/26/2015 7:05:00 PM
Thank you
10/27/2015 11:23:00 AM
How is lake Ki for Bass?
10/27/2015 11:32:00 AM
Lake Ki has dropped off over the years. Still has bass but haven't seen the amount of spawners and I'm pretty sure some one put smallmouth in the as I got a picture of a small one I caught before we moved. I would fish Howard over Ki personally.
10/27/2015 9:09:00 PM
Good report never tried Armstrong but it's on my to do list.
10/27/2015 9:09:00 PM
Good report never tried Armstrong but it's on my to do list.
10/28/2015 8:11:00 AM
Not as good as years past but still a fun little lake.
10/29/2015 10:20:00 AM
If you could pm me and leave your email address in the body of that pm. That way neither of us will be publicly publishing our email address in the comment section of a fishing report on this website. To do that: Left click on my site name, click contact, fill in the subject box, include your email in the empty space below, and we are talking offline. No one will know your email address but me, same for my email.

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11/2/2015 8:24:00 AM
I sent a email a few days back. It was sent to your home email address, did it go to junk mail? I think most all the lakes in that email are now closed for the 2015 season. What is the best method to punch through the pads, fishing with a worm, creature bait, or something similar? Lot's of weight, heavy line?
11/2/2015 5:26:00 PM
Replied to you. Answered questions.
11/2/2015 5:28:00 PM

What is the best method to punch through the pads, fishing with a worm, creature bait, or something similar? Lot's of weight, heavy line?

Yup, to all of the above as well as a heavy big jig. Use a 1 to 2 oz barrel or bullet weight, and toss it high so it punches thru. Or you can flip, it into the holes in the pad cover.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709