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Campbell Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



66° - 70°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

Ok, after the Friday disappointment with my motor I made a few more adjustments and headed to Campbell Lake for additional testing. In that I don’t seem to be able to get anywhere near a body of water and not pester the local aquatic population I had a couple of rods in the boat just in case. When I arrived at the lake around 8:00 or 9:00 and there were a few rigs in the parking lot and one other boat getting ready to launch. I was in the water in short order and had my boat on plane shortly thereafter. Hmmm, all was running as it should so I decided to troll around for a bit and see if I could replicate my motor problems.

Utilizing my two-rod endorsement I setup both rods with a small Rapala and ran them about 60’ behind the boat. I was trolling between 1.0 and 1.7 MPH and just lazily working my way around the lake. I was kicking back munching on snap peas thinking how peaceful it was when just like that both rods went bendo. Thinking "oh crap" I just snagged on something when I realized that the snags were heading different directions. Snapping out of my Zen like trance I got to work and grabbed the rod that was attached to the acrobatic fish. After an extended battle I slid the net under my feisty nemesis. The other rod was still doing a fish dance and the fish was in the middle of an extended run when I picked the rod up and started to work on number two. This fish never jumped but was a bulldog of a fish, stubborn all the way to the waiting net. Number two was in the net and I hadn’t really started fishing yet... Number three came a short while later and put up a very strange fight.

The fish hit and after an extended run turned 180 and started jumping like a dolphin straight back at the boat. It must have came out of the water 8 or 9 times. Although I was able to keep tension on the line, somehow the fish had rolled so that the line was lassoed around his pectoral and dorsal fins. Where I don’t usually take the motor out of gear when I am fighting a fish I couldn’t gain any ground on my tied up friend and pulled it out of gear. Now the fish was all around the boat before I had it tired enough to net. It was crazy times in the old Lund and there were now 3 very nice rainbow in the box. From there I continued my away around the lake and by the time I had trolled about 2/3rds of the way around the lake I had my 5 fish limit in the ice chest. Pretty darn good fishing for a test ride… The fish ranged from 17-23” and were 2 to right around 5 pounds. I was running a silver/gold Rapala on one rod and a rainbow colored Rapala off the other. Other than that nothing special to add, no scent, no bait just putt’n along in 8’ water on a beautiful day.

The boat was doing the putting along thing ok so after the gear was stowed away it was time for the moment of truth. I gradually hit the throttle and holy smackers the boat went right up on plane. I ran it at 5,500 RPM lapping the lake for about ½ hour and the motor purred just along like it was new. After the problems up at Cavanaugh on Friday, when I got home I had drained the VST, added another ½ can of Seafoam and ran the motor in the drive way for 30 or 40 minutes. I guess that more testing will be on tap, well testing and fishing; but maybe, just maybe my motor problems are resolved.


4/4/2016 6:32:00 PM
Wow great report and even better news on your motor! Those fish are beauties!! That looks like a very peaceful lake with quality fish!
4/5/2016 8:38:00 AM
I tried the few plugs I had and no joy. I am going to get some of the shallow running smalls.
4/7/2016 8:31:00 PM
Well that is good news. Test run put 5 big fish in your boat. I have never had a teat run like that. Way to go.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709