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Goodwin Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



61° - 65°
Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring
61° - 65°

We hit the water about 7:30 for a beautiful day relaxing on the lake. I was surprised at the lack of empty trailers at the launch. The weather was so nice I thought for sure we would have to fight for a spot to park. Put the boat in headed out for the first day fishing of the season. When I got back to the dock after parking the truck my wife was helping a guy launch his 24" or so boat since he was alone she was tying up his boat when I got to the dock. We got organised and headed out. Perfect weather only a few bass boats and one guy water skiing for most of the day. We trolled rapalas and wedding rings and used worms and a couple different trout sents in different combinations. We were slow to start and not making a lot of fish. I used this time to do some much needed tuning on my
Lowrance Elite 7 HDI and the new lake view card I just got for it is awesome!
We caught a few 12'-14" bows and then trolling in the deeper part of the lake in about 40 ft of water at 1.3mph and only 55ft of line out of the reel my wife gets a fish on and then says "oh it must be weeds" she keeps reeling and I hear "hey it a fish! What the heck is it???" I go back to look and she has a 13" catfish on her wedding ring! Now at this time she was using a small pop gear setup and wedding ring with a worm and no weight.
I was very surprised to a catfish on her line since she was fishing so close to the top in such deep water. I have never caught a catfish but I would certainly assume you dont fish on top for them.
Most bites came between 1.1 and 1.4 mph not one bite faster than 1.7 mph I sure love my Itroll for being able to dial in the trolling speed!!
We caught 6 fish for the day and got some very much needed sun!


4/10/2016 9:36:00 PM
I went out Friday around 11 and got 2 and lost 2. I didn't know there were catfish in Goodwin.
4/10/2016 10:53:00 PM
There are bullhead in most lakes in western washington. Technically that is a brown bullhead, it is a member of the catfish family, but certainly doesnt grow to the size of true catfish (channel/blue/flathead catfish) other types of bullhead include black and yellow bullhead exist in washington aswell, yellow bullhead exist in beaver lake in skagit county for example. I grew up fishing these on the east coast.
4/11/2016 8:03:00 AM
I grew up on Goodwin and fished for a good 15 years straight (from when i could hold a pole to when I moved out) NEVER have I seen a catfish or bullhead like that. very interesting, especially since u caught it trolling. Maybe it came from Lake Crabapple through the creek? glad to see so many good trout reports though. Tight lines!
4/11/2016 9:39:00 AM
My husband & I have accidentally caught Bullheads in Lake Alice & Cottage lake on a wedding ring. Bullheads love worms and if they see something of interest go by they will swim up off the bottom and snag it. Some people like to eat them but they taste a little too "muddy" for our tastes. I don't believe Bullheads are stocked but are in most lakes and ponds. Channel cats on the other hand are delicious but stocked in very little of the lakes. A couple I know of on the West side of the mountains is Green lake, Campbell lake & Gissberg ponds. Never caught one but really haven't tried either.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709