Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Hit the water at 7 AM. It was a glorious day out there. Threw buck tails and glide baits. Trolled a jointed shad rap. Crickets. Did not see any or have any follows. Had a 8" rainbow trout follow my buck tail that was about the same size. I caught one 14" smallmouth and had a couple of bass follows. Water was mostly very clear.
Went back to Seattle. Fished Bitter lake in the evening. Wasted a perfectly good frog bite. Could not stick a single one. Had two decent ones on for seconds. Ended up catching 20+ (C&R) recently stocked 8-12" rainbows. I decided to troll a little and could not keep them off. It is good to be flexible, better than nothing.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service