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Wapato Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



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Bottom Fishing From Boat
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66° - 70°

Two day fishing report for WAPATO
Spiny Ray at it's best. Hello everyone, It's been quite some time since I've taken the time post a report SO here goes.
My fishing pard and wife of "Many" years have been over to Wapato Lake a few time with limited success fishing for keeper size panfish, so we decided to make a concerted effort to find and catch some of the "Big" Yellow perch that haunt the lake. on 08/29 we loaded up and headed to the lake, made on the water around 1000 AM and started looking for a willing biter. Fished the west side in 8-20 fow using small plastics on 1/64 - 1/32 oz jig heads with an added crappie nibble. We intensely worked the shoreline out to the 20 fow depth from the south end to the north end. picked up MANY juvenile bass,a few in the 1 1/2 lb size , a few trout and some decent sized yellow perch. Felt like we were onto a pattern.
Yesterday, 09/02, We decided we would go after the spiny rays again. We got on the lake early in the day and no surprise there are Week-end vacationers on the water getting in vaca time for the last big holiday of the season. While launching I met a fellow WA Laker who asked if I was going to submit a report on the trip, so here I am.
Today we started on the east side of the lake with the intention of fishing up to the north end of lake and fishing the drop off that is so productive for the trout. Using a variety of colors and sizes (most small) we start tickling the bottom from the tulles (shoreline) out to around the 20-25 ft depth. The bite is extremely like so lots of missed hits. Once again the juvie bass are very aggressive. A few keeper fish were coming from the deep edge of the tulles but once again most keepers were in the deeper depths. We found crappie and yellow perch and a few large (9" or so) bluegill, so the expectations were high. As we have some friends who can no longer fish (for a variety of reasons), we decided to "Try" for enough fish to have a fry-up. SO the quest is on. The key seemed to be Patience to let the light jigs get to the depths. (we even caught yellow perch on the bottom in 41 ft) Added weight on that one. LOL Anyway, by presenting with a slow retrieve close to bottom (or weeds) we were able to have a stellar day of catching on WAPATO lake. one key component of our success today was to put a small piece of crappie nibble on the hook after the plastic bait. Cindy caught the majority of her fish on a Trout Magnet, that she then dies to get a blood red color. and I fished with many different styles of plastics from using the tail from a natural color plastic worm to the standard crappie tubes in a variety of colors. Seemed we both caught our share of the fish, so no particular pattern of color was found. Only size seemed to make a difference. Smaller was better. While fishing, boat control was almost impossible due to the wakes of the skiers, wake boarders and jet skiers. I was on the bow running the bow mount while fishing and Cindy fishes the stern. there were some large and extremely equipped boats out and when they would pas, the wake would lift the bow enough so the bow mount would come out of the water. What a ride. almost needed the Dramamine. LOL Talk about being inconsiderate, the boats would pass within a couple cast distances from you and a couple of times the jet ski would be within casting distance. All this with me standing in the front of the boat and trying to signal them to move over. But, they were trying to have a good time to the best of their "limited " knowledge. Would just be nice if they understood basic courtesy on the water. So otherwise a great day on the water, and we can share the water with the non fishers and still have a great day. So the results of our catching day includes 8 trout (13-16"), 5 bluegill (up to 9") and yellow perch (up to 12") and crappie (up to 11") to make a total of 71 fish in the cooler. (NOW, before anyone starts in on why keep so many, remember we are fishing to get enough for a fry-up for several persons. No waste and great amounts of enjoyment by all). It's our way of giving back. Will try to include some pics.
As an end note, My old "Mister Twister Piranha" finally bit the dust, and I have just purchased the "American Angler PRO electric fillet knife. One word, Awesome"!. 63 spiny-rays (Crappie, yellow Perch and Blue gill), and the knife barely heated up. The housing was warm but in no way hot to the touch. The 8" blade that came with the knife is a bit on the aggressive side, but with a little use it was fantastic. The next step up from this model would be a Chain Saw. LOL.
Everyone have a safe holiday weekend and enjoy the great outdoors we call home.


9/4/2016 8:06:00 PM
Great to see a report from you. Glad the 2 of you are back at it. Thanks for the report and pics. Andy
9/4/2016 9:10:00 PM
Tactfully phrased "limited knowledge" concerning the "water knats or lice" and other inconsiderate boaters. Seems as though some peoples common sense and courtesy go out the window when they buy a boat or PWC. They seem to enjoy annoying people that fish. Thanks for the good report. Have fished Wapato for many years but only for trout. Since becoming an avid spiny ray person, this makes me want to try for them there. Thanks again
9/4/2016 9:10:00 PM
Tactfully phrased "limited knowledge" concerning the "water knats or lice" and other inconsiderate boaters. Seems as though some peoples common sense and courtesy go out the window when they buy a boat or PWC. They seem to enjoy annoying people that fish. Thanks for the good report. Have fished Wapato for many years but only for trout. Since becoming an avid spiny ray person, this makes me want to try for them there. Thanks again
9/4/2016 10:28:00 PM
Blufin , Nice way to seek out the fish from shallow to deep, Thats a small lake to share with UnConciderates as is Roses Lake , been on both in summer ! not Fun after 10 am. I "Get" we both want to have fun, But , We Both Dont understand "The Water Respect " How far is LK. Chelan Bud ? Go Rip that up! I had the same Lice at Blue Lake last year , I was anchored for over 4 hours catching Dandy perch, then came a Father with his son on a Waverunner using me as a slalom Bouy, .. Lost my bite,.. pulled anchor, ran him down ..Talked to Him! said way to teach your son Bud. He happened to be camped close to me that night ,he didnt drop by.. As to the amount fish you take, its your licence you pay for, as long as your legal its NO Bodies Business...Spiny Ray is the Best tasting anyway. Just not everyone can fillet them, fill up the freezer, I do.
9/5/2016 10:10:00 AM
I was nice to meet you at the launch. Many thanks for the great report. End of tourist season will make boat control much easier now!!
blufin loui
9/5/2016 1:56:00 PM
Thanks Andy, It's good to be on the water with the Lil Lady n catching fish
blufin loui
9/5/2016 2:01:00 PM
Hey Livingston12 thanks for the reply. A few years back there was reports of the fisheries dept. shocking up some 14" yellow perch in Wapato, so there is a good population of the buggers in there. We always catch trout incidentally while fishing for the spiny rays, so a person can get a pretty good mixed bag when fishing Wapato. Hope to see ya on the water some time.
blufin loui
9/5/2016 2:06:00 PM
Fillet'emyoung , May just try the freezer filling this year. Love those spiny rays. Lake Chelan is about 5 minutes for me to be on the water. It's about time for me to get some Macks for the smoker. The sad part of the inconsiderates is the next generation that is learning from them. A little "education" never hurt anyone (not too much anyway). Thanks for your comment. Stay safe and fish often.
blufin loui
9/5/2016 2:09:00 PM
After such a long time since posting a report it was surprising to be recognized as blufin loui at the launch. Nice to meet you Nogolfer72 , and good to speak with you. You and yours stay safe and well.
9/5/2016 5:03:00 PM
Great report BFL. I grew up doing the opener for trout there. Lotta memories. Take care
blufin loui
9/6/2016 8:40:00 AM
Hello zach, it's a good lil lake for memories. We used to take our daughter there also way back when. I was just commenting to CindyAbbott the great memories we have from past (20 years or so), and here we are still making great memories. What a life we live.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709