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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Medical Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


46° - 50°
Top Fishing From Shore
Brown Trout

After some morning chores, I decided the day was too beautiful to waste; so I went out to Medical Lake. I tried several spoons and spinners with a couple of bites being the result. All lures were converted to a single hook with the barb pinched down in keeping with the lake's regulations. Fairly busy for a Monday and the other anglers actually appeared to be fishing legally. Unlike Sunday, on a scouting trip when I noticed a Father and his young kids still fishing off the swimming beach and evidence of people using PowerEggs and even paste PowerBait at a nearby location.

I feel for WDFW Enforcement Officers at Medical Lake with individuals who are ignorant about reading the lake's regulations or choose to ignore them. A personal gripe are the poachers that know the regulations, but seek to "bend the rules" by calling PowerEggs, "rubber eggs"and thinking with a barbless hook that they are legal. PowerEggs are not rubber folks, but a highly scent infused bait. If you feel a compulsion to still fish try a micro-sized marabou jig with the barb pinched down and no scent under a small bobber or casting bubble. An artificial fly tied to a casting bubble would be worth a try, as well.


4/7/2017 9:05:00 PM
Saw a Facebook posts yesterday in a fishing group, Pick of a fish hooked deeply, someone asked if he was fly fishing, his reply was some sort of bait and bobber.

When it was pointed out to him, he posted the definition of tackle and was quickly corrected with the definition of select lure as posted.

The regs are pretty straightforward, but really it seems enforcement is minimal.

I hear of see so many infractions that are chalked up as, oh I did not know. Yet the regs are in so many stores, and online from a smart phone.
I save a copy of all current hunting and fishing regs saved to my ibook on my phone. I can review them with or without cell coverage.
5/1/2017 10:47:47 AM
I'm curious where you got the rules about barbless hooks and no power bait. The WDFW rule book doesn't mention that anywhere.
5/1/2017 12:03:18 PM
Never mind. I found it. They only place they explain selective gear rules is in the definitions section.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709