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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


Pink Salmon

We launched at 430 Sunday morning at the Everett ramp.
We stayed in Port Gardener looking for pinks until first light. The amount of boats screaming across the water in the dark heading south was unbelievable.
Finally made the run out to the shipping lanes south of Mukilteo and started trolling south with the tide.
There must have been 500 boats fishing off of Edmonds and Shipwreck.
At the tide change I was almost the first boat to start trolling north in HH.
Tim had 3 fish on in the first hour and they all came unbuttoned. I'm still trying to teach him NOT to set the hook when he picks the rod out of the rod holder.
I finally hook into a fish using a 11" white flasher and a white Coho Killer. The fish actually out ran the boat and passed it with the kicker still pushing us forward. Yep it came unbuttoned.
Tim finally gets another hit and this time I yell at him to NOT set the hook. This one we get to the net and on board. 4# Pink.
Other boaters were picking up fish here and there but nothing crazy.
Last fish caught at 1030. No wind, flat calm ( except for all the boat wakes) beautiful morning on the water.
Back out next weekend and give it a try again.
Tight Lines


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709