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Area 12 Hood Canal Report


Chum Salmon

holy crap, so i went down to the hoods port hatchery for the first time, and talk about chum city!, got there around 930 and there were about 20 other guys wading out there fishing, everyone was just slaying the chums, every other cast we had a chum on, i took home a 20# , 12# and a 9# chum for the smoker. i watched one guy snap his lamiglass rod in half fighing a chum which was kinda funny, but it was a good day, there were literally schools of 600 chums swimming right in front of us, but it made me mad cause a few russian guys were snagging the chums and keeping them, so my buddy cussed them out and they left the hatchery, and then fish and game showed up and busted 7 people for using barbed hooks. but other than the combat fishng, it was fun to hook into chums all day, and i doubt there will be any left, becuase all the natives were out there and driving from the skokomish river all the way to the hoodsport hatchery, the natives were just netting the heck out of the hood canal, and i drove up to the hood canal bridge and they were netting all the way up there, im sure they just cleaned house on the canal...not sure why they need that many chums, kinda spoiles it for everyone else


11/7/2009 6:19:00 PM
Thanks for the report blue. How high were the tides today? Were you able to wade out very far? It looked like the tides were pretty high, I decided to wait until next Friday to go.Glad to hear you did so well!
11/7/2009 6:26:00 PM
By the way, what were you using? Corkies? Yarn? How long of a leader? Did you see any flyfishers getting any fish? Thanks.
11/7/2009 11:55:00 PM
chums are not good eating, just fun to catch
11/8/2009 10:26:00 AM
i was using a bright neon yellow corky with purple yarn, and about 18-24inches of leader, but i myself fly fish, and there were two fly fishers out there not having any luck, but its because they were using a floaiting line with just regular ol leader, i told them they need to invest in some sink like with a sinking leader and im sure they would of just slayed the fish
11/9/2009 7:00:00 PM
In my opinion it sucks that anyone is allowed to net anything in Puget Sound or the rivers for that matter. Thank goodness WA State is so concerned about "saving our salmon." Their answer to low salmon numbers is to set all kinds of restricted on us, the general public. Meager daily limits, barbless hooks, wild fish restrictions, size restrictions, and sport fish netting rules. Commercial and tribal netting in Puget Sound sucks big time and fires me up every time I think about it. Same goes for commercial and tribal crabbing. Thank you WA for your great decision making skills there! Sorry for my rant guys. It just frustrates me to witness how salmon and crab are handled by our State. Great fishing report. I also thought chums smoked up fine. Am I mistaken? Good luck everyone. Thank God for fishing!
11/9/2009 10:11:00 PM
i totally understand, it fires me up watching the natives take everything, we need to abolish that dumb treaty we signed allowing them to net everything they see. so what....we took thier land, get over it, they need to fish like every other normal human being, they just overfish, sell the fish, the use the money to get drunk. sorry if that sounds racist, but its true, and if they are allowed to have casinos and make billions of dollars then they should not be allowed to net, that sounds like a fiar enough compromise to me. no wonder our rivers and fishing seasons get worse and worse every year, but on another note the chums smoke up great, im enjoying my smoked chums rignt now, it taste great
Steve Parker
11/10/2009 2:44:00 PM
Good report, always heard combat at its' best or worst. I've fished pre and post Bolt and watshed a 10 min drive through
Monroe turn into 45 min. That's just one of the changes that have affected fish and when it comes to the tribes fishing I would
like to see better oversee on the catch and since they get first chance on fishing they only take half of their quota just in case
the numbers are wrong. I've heard everything on the tribes and treaties but one thing for sure the law is in place so adapt
and keep an eye on our own before we point fingers and turn in the catch reports numbers speak louder than words.when
dealing with the powers in charge. To sirfishalot when you see smoked salmon in the store and it says Kita welcome to
Chum it has one of the highest oil contents and smokes up realy nice and one of the species that don't seem to have
lock jaw and good numbers. Also to the rest remember some of the fish that get caught were raised by the tribes.
Have fun ,be safe and hopefully bend a rod!
11/13/2009 10:48:00 PM
Bluebullitt, Thanks for your reply. It's nice to know I am not alone when it comes to tribal and commercial netting. I also hate it when they crab year round while we get our t months in the summer and a winter season in areas that are not abundant with crab. Anyway, thanks for your reply and your report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709