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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Chinook Salmon

My buddy Dan and I had lines in the water at 6:00 am joining about 25 boats that made their way to Possession before first light. It was relatively calm with a slight breeze and there was lots of activity on my fish finder, but as the morning progressed we came to realize that majority of it was bait. We ran cut plug herring behind a green Hot Spot and a Brad’s Cut Plug behind the same for the first hour without a bump. From there we switched to Coyote spoons in a couple different colors and by 9:00 still nothing. So we decided to change directions to silvers and headed over to the Shipwreck joining 4 other boats doing the same. We had caught and released several kings in front of the Shipwreck during the last pink season so we hoped maybe we would find a taker of either species there. After about an hour there we trolled across the shipping lanes and made our final pass in front of the Bait Box before calling it at 11:30. I know that reports have indicated that the afternoon bite has been productive at times but other engagements for the early afternoon awaited both of us so back to the launch we went. Before removing my boat we spoke with the fish counter who told us they had counted a large number of boats and only 4 silvers were recorded and the parking lot was still nearly full. I would estimate there were 70+ boats out on the water in the area we fished so obviously unless you were one of the lucky few, fishing was poor. I’m looking forward to the silver run and crabbing one more time next weekend before the summer season closes.


8/31/2010 12:43:00 PM
Thanks for the report. I went out yesterday by myself, put the downrigger down at 6:30 on the westside of Possession. Nada! Lot of bait but no fish. There was 30-40 boats between Skagit buoy and SW corner. I didnt see a fish caught. I tried the eastside too, nothing there either. I listened to the charters on 79 and they also had nothing. Quit at 1:30. Chinooks are over. I hope the Silvers are good like last year but I'm not optomistic. Reason, I fished Ucluelet BC in my boat again this summer and it was good for Chinooks but zero Silvers. Last summer the Silvers up there were fantastic. I just dont think the silver run is very strong this year. Hope I'm wrong.

Fish checker reports this weekend showed about 10% success out of Everett.

9/1/2010 6:52:00 PM
Thanks for your reply. I too hope the silver season is strong but like you, I won't be holdin my breath. We had fun out there but when I put in the time, I want to catch a fish so the bite was disappointing. Thanks for your report as well. I wish everyone associated with this great site posted their reports every time out whether a one or a five. It's helpful and allows us all to gauge the bite and make a more educated decision whether or not to take a trip. Hopefully in a few more weeks the silvers will show their heads and be willing to cooperate. Thanks again for your reply.

9/2/2010 11:10:00 PM
You shoulda shot me a PM this summer, we had some good luck out there and I woulda been glad to help you out...

There's still a good amount of kings out there. They are still coming thru the sound, I can first hand confirm that the season was strong even in late August. There still out there now, gonna be a bummer to hook into one during silver season and have to release it...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709