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Area 7 San Juan Islands Report



All Day

Fished are 7 this weekend with WAlakes members Bawk Bawk and Sickbayer out of Sickbayer's boat. We launched at Bellingham around 10:00am and had lines in the water at South Lummi at 10:30am, first ling to the boat by 10:40am, undersize. We used jigs for the whole trip, and I tried herring for a brief while with no success. The weather was perfect on Friday, choppy in Bellingham Bay on the run out (like always) but glass calm West of Lummi Isl. We got 4 sub legals off the South tip of Lummi before moving to Lummi Rocks and hitting a drift we have done very well on in the past. Managed a nice 27" keeper before moving north into the Sucia/Matia area, landed several more undersized, a few withing a quarter inch of being legal! and a nice 28" er. Fished until around 8:30pm and spent the night at Sucia Island State Park. Weather went to pot Saturday morning but cleared as the day went on. Cold front had the fish turned way off, tried all the same areas as the day before and only caught 3 copper rocks. Called it a day and headed to shore around 10:30am.

Fun trip, love the Juans!


6/1/2011 6:51:00 PM
Nice ones, Alot of undersizers out and around, I love the juans too, lots of fish, Good stuff. and even better then the san juans is fresh lingcod in the freeze
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709