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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Chinook Salmon

Launched the boat this morning around 4:30 am. The guy that sells bait by the boat launch (Everett) sad that east of possession produced some kings in the past few days. Headed there, but we only saw one boat fishing there, so we decided to move to the west side of the bar. We joined 8-10 other boats and set the gear at 100’ (same spot we succeeded 6 days ago). 30 min later fish on… Played the fish for a while, hard fighting king and after 5 minutes the sea lion wins and steals my fish. Put the gear back down and circle that spot a few more times and fish on again. This time the fish got in my net but this one had an extra fin. Back in the water it goes, so my gear. 20 min later fish on again. It can’t be a wildy I say but it was. Man this one fight so hard, I love it. Back in the water it goes. Put my gear down and moved south a bit and fish on agaaain. This time it came loose just a few feet from the boat. All this action died just before 8 am. Fished until 12:30pm with no more take downs and we headed back to the launch. Fish and Wild recorders sad it was slow day with only 4 fish recorded. Overall a good, calm day with wild king fighting action that you can’t forget. Tight Lines.


7/22/2011 9:40:00 PM
Sweet sounds like some fun. Them kings are lot stronger then them lake sammamish cutts : p for sure ! sounds like you got into them good . I my self have never fished that area , The whole salt thing is kinda new to me and im growing to liking it more and more ! ill be out in area 11 my self tomorrow with my 13 yr old geting into some hogs my self : ) thanks for the report ! keep up the good work.
7/22/2011 10:07:00 PM
Im kind of new myself. I have been bottom fishing more for lingcod and other fish but trolling for salmon is something special. They fight so hard in the sound, it makes your heart scrim just like the reel u holding. yea I fish the rivers for salmon and stealhead with ok success, but fishing the ocean challenges you. Tight lines.
Jim Harris
7/23/2011 7:34:00 AM
Fished the same areas as you danm. Thanks to my deck hand, who has been demoted to greenhorn:) we didn't get our lines wet til' 11am. Fished til 7pm. Nothin but a couple shakers. Did pick up 8 good sized dungeness though in one soak. Was a beautiful day on the water though.
7/23/2011 2:27:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Word is that there is a high % of high fin fish.
7/27/2011 3:26:00 PM
What were you using?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709