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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 6 East Juan De Fuca Strait Report


Chinook Salmon
Herring Strips

My friend Reggie invited us out to Sequim/Discovery Bay to go fishing and crabbing 8/13 and 8/14. What a weekend! We were trying for Kings, but were happy to take Pinks too.

We launched out of Port Angeles and went around the spit to the Mill area with Reggie and my son Charlie. We had downriggers and used a silver flasher with rubber squid and herring strip on one rig, a plug on the other. One day one, we brought in one Blackmouth King and 4 pinks. All about 24 inches long, some fatter than others. Night one we did a blind taste test of King vs Pink with a 12 minute hot smoke 300 deg of indirect heat. 7 of 8 people liked the Pink better - it was probably cooked a little better, but still, the Pink was great.

Second day was even more fun. Caught four pinks, released a small Blackmouth, plus a KING SIZED fish that gave us a hell of a ride. It released the downrigger and immediately took of 20 feet of line - zzzzzzzzzip, the line spun off. I said "Reg, what is that?" "Paul, that is a fish, get that sucker in here" He was explaining that sometimes the big Kings can do that when they strike. Seriously ten minutes in and my hand and arm were tired. I could barely move the line. And then it took another 20 feet out. It got 15 feet from the boat and I thought I had caught Jaws. This was one monster salmon. Then we saw it - it was a 35 pounder! Not a salmon, but a Halibut! A halibut - yes, a halibut. We were at 70 feet with the downrigger, and he must have been waiting for us. It was like reeling in a yield sign. We didn't get to keep him but I tell you, that fish was the most fun ever.

We also crabbed in Discovery Bay, had two pots baited with fish guts. We got 4 of 16 Dungeness keepers, with a few small Red Rocks mixed in on day 1. Day two we got 8 keepers of about 20. Woo-hoo! Had a crab fest on Day 1 and too stuffed from the night before so freezing the rest.

Overall a very fun trip!


8/16/2011 9:29:00 AM
Sounds like a blast. To bad you could'nt keep the Halibut, then you would of had a well rounded feast.
8/16/2011 7:42:00 PM
Sunday I was out in area 8-2 and caught a nice bright pink and bled it immediatley(after bonking), after bleeding for 8-10 min I gutted and packed it with ice and put ice all around it. BBQed it just like I would a silver and was amazed at the flavor!!! I have tried them before from the river and was not that impressed, but I no longer believe that pinks are only good for the smoker! Just take care of the catch and the flavor of the pinks is great.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709