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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



76° - 80°
Pink Salmon

Took a little trip up to point no point to see if the pinks were rolling through, got there at 11:30 and fished til 2:30. I started out with the wannafishalure Dash point special on the north side of the light house. A couple people mentioned that the pinks were schooling at about 9:30 that morning. My husband Danny starts with a 1 1/2" buzzbomb with half a bubblegum steelhead worm on the hook. He hooks a pink on his second cast and loses it just before the beach. I am not having much luck, my ol twitching method hasnt won me a bite. But his fish hit way out from the beach which is much different than browns point. I am about ready to switch it up when I hook into something heavy. At first I thought it was a fish cause I swore I felt head shakes. Then it just feels like I am pulling in a big ol rock or log. I get it to where I can see the things shadow and the rock takes off. So I guess it actually is a fish! I get it back close and it looks like a big ling. Some more tug of war and I get the fish to the beach, its a BIG old cabezon! Caught by twitching a jig! This big guy measured at 31inches. Biggest cabezon to date for me and a weird to catch twitching a jig from point no point. I wish I had weighed him. The harbour porpoises were fishing close to shore so we moved to the other side of the point with the tide coming in. Danny casts into the rips and hooks into another pink. We decide to call it a day since we didnt bring a cooler and didnt want the fish to get ruined. Weather was beautiful with very little wind, we didnt see any schooling pinks, also we were the only ones to hook fish while we were there.


8/9/2013 6:36:00 AM
Great report schu and AWESOME Cabezon. Never caught on of those. What a crazy beach catch.
8/9/2013 7:18:00 AM
Nice! I caught 5 small lings and one huge rock fish at Bush Point on Tuesday :)
8/9/2013 7:44:00 AM
Wow. After this report if I get a chance to fish bottom fish at Sekiu next month I will change it up.
8/9/2013 8:02:00 AM
thats awesome!
8/9/2013 8:20:00 AM
holy smokes! that is awesome!
king killer
8/9/2013 10:13:00 AM
Whoa no way !! That's awesome. Ive fished point no point for 3 years now and have never seen a rock fish or cabezon caught.
8/9/2013 5:18:00 PM
you kept the cabezon? if not I cant believe you brought home pinks instead of that cabby!!!!
8/10/2013 12:44:00 PM
Awesome fish!
8/10/2013 6:54:00 PM
Wow! That is so cool! see you haven't lost your twitch, I mean touch!! lol Great job~ we used to catch those with ling cods off the Big Sur coast in CA when I was growing up.
8/11/2013 11:03:00 PM
That's awesome Schu, went up to point-no-point after reading this report. I had no luck but I'll definitely try again, I thought most of the fish were caught right at day break, which would mean I would have to get up at 4 to be at the beach by 530. I think I'm going to make this a weekly evening endeavor.
8/12/2013 10:23:00 AM
@yakattack, of course I kept the cabezon! I dont remove fish from water if Im not gonna keep em. Gonna try him tonight actually. @SoDAkota, I learned that the pinks dont hug the shore at point no point so you cant get your jig out far enough. My suggestion is use a 1 inch pink buzzbomb with something pink on the hook.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709