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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Coho Salmon

Launched about 10:30 from Mukilteo and went across to the Clinton side to drop a crab pot. Then went down west of buoy at Possession Point. Dropped 3 lines in the water on downriggers to 90ft. One pole goes off, so we started pulling in the 2nd pole off the same downrigger so lines don't get tangled. Fish on the first line gets off. Then after the 2nd line is released from the downrigger, a fish hits that line as it is free floating and takes line out. Brought up a nice 5# Silver and got it in the boat. Caught on a green/yellow hoochie with herring scent.

We fished around the area and eventually went further west near Useless Bay, marked a lot of fish between 25 & 90 ft of water, but the 5# Silver was the only fish we caught today.

We quit fishing about 3 and went back to our crab pot. Only one small female inside after soaking for 4 hours. We think someone must have robbed it and tossed it back. There should have been a lot more crab in it. Oh well. At least they didn't steal the pot too.

We talked to the fish checker when we came in and it turns out that we were the only ones out today that actually managed to catch a silver today. So he changed his board from "0" to "1".

Was a beautiful day out on the Sound. We enjoyed it but still wished for a few crab to go with our salmon.


8/19/2014 8:44:00 AM
Thanks for the report. I have to laugh at all the crab conspiracies, though! I have the luxury of getting to crab right by my home and I've seen crabbers lose at least 5 pots in front of my house this past 6 weeks (all unweighted, all lost in the current). I've gone freediving and seen crabs crawling out of pots after the food is gone. I've seen stronger currents open the crab door and let the crabs stroll out, too. Sometimes your pot will settle on the bottom in a way which lets a door swing open easily, too. We are well into the 2nd month of crabbing and many of the heavily crabbed areas are slim pickins now, only females and soft shells left.
8/19/2014 9:32:00 PM
Soundkite, you have cemented my suspicions, concerning what might occur while a pot soaks. That might cause the person that dropped the pot, to conclude foul play or pot tampering occurred, after the pot is retrieved empty or nearly so or worse.........lost!
8/21/2014 7:39:00 AM
I have seen how crab pots were drifting during strong current. Those pots were not mine, and I didn't touch them :)
I was watching them moving into deeper spots and finally going down.
8/21/2014 1:20:00 PM
In the case of our pot, it did have a weight in in and we found it in the same place that we had left it in. We used GPS coordinates to place it and retrieve it. But, I could see where maybe the spot might have been crabbed out already, or crabs that might have walked in, walked back out again. The tuna can had definite pincher marks on it where they tried to get at the contents. Thanks for the comments.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709