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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-1 Deception Pass Report


56° - 60°
Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

killed them today. my dad mom brother and I hit the water around 5:30 it was a short ride out to deception pass where some other small boats where out out trying to do the same thing we are. power mooching our captain called it our boat seamed to be doing very well compared to the other with green and white flashers and cut plug herring we had at least 10 coho on and landed 5 my dad with one and i caught the rest they seemed to follow me around the boat if i was near a rod the fish were on it around 11 we moved from one side of the bridge to the other an 10 in minutes in my dads pole goes down with a smash we all hoped for coho fishasorase it ran dove ran and dove again and finally my dad got it to the boat a 16 to 18 pound king was on the other end a beautiful fish and a great day on the water the captain was great and put a smack on the fish a great day and learned a lot


8/26/2014 3:32:00 PM
Never know... I always heard the Skagit river fish come in earlier than the rest, plus it sounds like he might have been with a guide.
8/27/2014 11:03:00 PM
no we punched the king in the face and yes we where with a guide and when you have 4 poles in the water it works alot better hope you haters choke on a squaw fish
8/29/2014 3:25:00 PM
Hahaha, thats alright trixy, nothing but haters out here with no life. They just wish they were filling up their punch card.. Way to go. It would be nice to see pictures though. Tight lines.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709