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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Coho Salmon

Hit the water today about 7 am and ran out to Possession Point. I had heard and read good reports about the area over the weekend and wanted to hit it while we still had good weather to keep the fish in the mood. On one rod, green/gold agitator with a green spackle back Coho Killer slathered up in herring scent. Rod two, purple haze agitator and white hoochie with a piece of herring. Set one to 45 and the other to 50 on the down riggers We trolled the east side of shelf just south of the bait box hole in about 300 ft. of water. Speed was about 2.8 to 3.2 mph. Got the first one, a small hen, within 30 min. on the Coho Killer. Reset after landing the fish, turned around and motored back north. 10 minutes later, the second rod pops...then...see yah...LDR about 30 ft from the boat.

The rest of the day...nada...well, two hitch hiking herring on the Coho Killer. We tried different depths, different speeds, trolled to the ship wreck and back. Nothing. Finally gave up about 11:30. Still, great day and some good eats out of it.


9/16/2014 7:27:00 PM
Two of us hit it around Mulk at daylight. Lost two quick almost before light. Then nada and finally got one around noon at the Wreck. Real slow compared to what it was last week and the week before. I hear its 30-40 a day over at CQ, mostly wild. Need rain to bring them in.
9/16/2014 8:59:00 PM
When we pulled in to dock, I did hear some folks saying deep, like 90 feet, was still producing by the wreck later in the day. I am fairly new to fishing these critters in the salt so I never would have thought to go that deep. I also thought rain might flush them through right into the rivers instead of stacking up in the salt. I intentionally went before we got any this week. Seems to be a very wrong assumption on my part = ( Two good lessons learned today. Thanks for the heads up Barchaser.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709