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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



51° - 55°
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny

Decided to get a combo saltwater license this year for some cohos and pinks this season, since had that lic, I decided to hit the saltwater for some of my favorite fish coastal cutts, it was a nice sunny day with some wind, (so decided to leave my fly rod in the car, and changed to ultralight 6' GL2 loomies spinning gear 6# maxima line for some good action. Started around 4:00 pm with low/incoming tide, fished mainly spoons, 1/4oz in various colors and some spinners, no action for about 1 hour, first cutti was caught at mid incoming tide, than no action for a while, decided just to sit down and enjoy the nice sun/sunset. Just as the sun set around 7:49pm fish started to surface. (A good time to target coastal cutthroats at dusk). I didnt have much time left to fish, since the gates at the park closes at 8pm. I threw about 10 cast and my last cast hooked a nice healthy cutti that's just slammed my lure about 5 feet from the shore, a nice fight especially with ultralight gear. Fish was unharmed and released thanks to barbless hooks. I love those last casts when you get a hook up. Productive colors of lures were in rainbow color (pink/white/black spots chrome back ) and 50/50 neon red/gold.

Will be heading to omak lake for the first time this weekend, will let you know how it goes.
Tight Lines


4/8/2015 1:05:00 PM
State park?
4/8/2015 2:43:00 PM
Nice fish, but try and keep those things in the water since its a C&R fishery.
4/8/2015 2:53:00 PM
Poor cutty, looks like he's done growing.
4/8/2015 3:02:00 PM
He will live to be 6lb, fish was handled with care
4/8/2015 10:47:00 PM
Cobrar543: its a paid entry county park
4/13/2015 7:51:00 AM
Are you referring to Kayak Point salt water park? I'm new to this forum and would like to meet responsible locals who like to fish 8-2 out of KP or nearby freshwater lakes.
4/13/2015 1:49:00 PM
Bobber_dogging-gal: yes it's kayak point beach
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709