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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 4 Neah Bay Report




Left Tacoma at 0100 for Neah Bay and got there at 0500. Headed out in my 14ft Livingston and go to Tatoosh area about 0600. Water was a little nasty, but I just took my time since my buddy was with me.

We fished till 0830 without a bite. We moved closer to shore and nothing there. We headed back to deeper water. We lost a lot of gear on the rocky bottom, but this is a good location where I've picked up big fish before.

We talked with a couple guys from Lynnwood in a 14ftt Whaler that we noticed brought in a nice fish. Well, they had 2 nice fish. Tony and I were down to one spreader bar and one 2# weight. These two Fish Angels gave us 2 weights and a pack of herring. Im still thanking them.

We started fishing again and the tide had slowed to about .5mph. I put my pole away since I didn't have a spreader bar for it. We moved a little and Tony lost 2 weights.

We were down to one pole, one small weight, and two herring. It was about 0930 and Tony said, I got a bite. Well, about a nice fight, we got a harpoon in a 60# 'But.

After that, and one herring left, we moved back to that spot and started drifting again with our last setup. Tony wasn't on bottom 2 minutes and said, Hey, got a bite and handed me the rig. Yep, a twin 60 'But. We subdued that beast and got the heck outta there.

And as a Grand Prize back by the harbor, we get selected for a Safety inspection. All went well as I always carry all required items. We joked with the Sherriff, and I laughed and said, you guys get younger all the time and I bet my boat is older than you. He asked my boat year and I said 1984 and he said me too.

We left Neah Bay about 1100 and got home about 1700.

What a day.


5/26/2015 7:55:00 AM
5/26/2015 8:58:00 AM
Upgrade those hooks!
Bob R
5/26/2015 11:55:00 AM
Great job, glad you managed two great fish. Bob R
5/27/2015 1:15:00 AM
Nice job, you guys! Good lookin' fish!
5/29/2015 5:20:00 PM
Not sure but I think I may have seen your boat out there. I have an 18 ft. white early 70's aluminum Starcraft with a 90 Mercury 4 stroke. Fished outside with my friend Saturday got a double on halibut 20 and 50 lbs. so done by 10:30 and then got our lings and some seabass before having to leave and get the ferry. Was out for 4 days. Wed.-Sat. Lots of good fishing this year and lots of big halibut at the cleaning station. Sure was upset as were a lot of other fishermen they closed it on Thursday. Can't wait to get back out!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709