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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report


86° - 90°
Chinook Salmon

Took off from Point Defiance boat launch around 7:30am. We dropped the pots over on the Browns Point side of the bay and then let our lines out. Not many fish on the sonar, so we pulled up and tried Pt Definance, and again no luck there and no fish on the sonar. Pulled the pots and got 5 dungies and 8 rocks, then ran over to quartermaster and dropped them again. Cruised around Quartermaster then picked up the pots and went home. I will not drop pots in Quartermaster again.


Kaptain King
7/9/2015 1:37:00 PM
Just curious...Why will you not crab in Quartermaster anymore?
Kaptain King
7/9/2015 1:39:00 PM
...And sorry about the fishing. It has been pretty crappy out there. At least the pinks are on the way...
7/9/2015 3:21:00 PM
There were a lot of pots there and from the looks of it there were boats that were pulling pots that were not theirs. Water at the mouth of Quartermaster is shallow and I like to get the pots in at least 100 feet. I though I would give it a try this time. I had much better results near Browns Point or Wollochet in area 13. I'm ready for the salmon to come in. I caught one jack off of Point Defiance the weekend before, it was clipped but it was only about 18 inches. I was surprised the seals did not get it, they are everywhere out there.
Kaptain King
7/10/2015 11:29:00 AM
I have heard absolute horror stories about the thievery over in Quartermaster. I crab out of my kayak and have had good luck around the mouth of the Puyallup. I did have one pot stolen this year but that was my first one. I just pulled two pots yesterday and got three Dungie keepers; one of which was HUGE. I have heard that Quartermaster and the Nisqually delta are the places to go if you want to get crabs stolen out of your pots. I'm surprised someone hasn't caught someone and shot a flair gun at them or something crazy like that. I'm with you on the salmon...Depending on tides I am going to try this weekend for some salmon...
7/11/2015 7:56:00 PM
Not a lot of kings coming back this year to my understanding...we had a lot of rain over the last few years so the rivers ran a bit high. So expect king and silvers to be about a 1/3 of what they have been and for the pinks to be hot, but also down about 1/3 from 2 years ago. The Puyallup had like 1.3 mil 2 years ago on the pinks and are expecting about 900k, as well as like 9k kinks and real low silvers...but the only way to get the fish is being on the water...so good luck to you and good fishing.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709