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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



Pink Salmon

Headed out of Everett with my brother in law and two other guys to catch the morning bite on the incoming tide. After dropping some crab traps we headed down to what was probably about half way between the Mukilteo launch and the shipwreck in around 200-300' feet of water. I rigged up both trolling rods with white dodgers and the standard pink hoochie setup on a double hook leader about 16" back from the dodger. Dropping the lines to around 40' on the downriggers we began getting hits almost immediately, starting the morning off with a double header, losing one of the fish but netting the other. The action continued pretty consistently for another hour or two, and we managed to go 4 for 7 on the downriggers while trolling south. The further south we got though, it seemed that the action began to slow down. Not sure if it was location, or timing, but it definitely dropped off. Since there were four of us in the boat, I decided to break out a jigging setup with a pink rotator and pink hoochie and managed to hook and land another pink with that technique. That fish ended up being our last for the day, so the total numbers were 5 for 8 in about three hours of fishing the middle of the incoming morning tide. As we headed back north we did notice that there seemed to be a lot more nets dipping into the water on the boats around us, as opposed to what we saw further south. Hind sight being 20/20, we should have turned around and trolled north again once the action really slowed down. Oh well. When we got back to the traps we found that we had done pretty good on the crabs as well, with 12 keepers brought to the surface.

Tight Lines!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709