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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 2 Westport - Ocean Shores Report


51° - 55°
Bait Only

WOW!! Went out on a charter out of Westport.. these guys are AWESOME!! Been out with Captain Geoff several times.. he has 2 great deckhands, Zach and Chance.. They were Johnny on the Spot!!! Headed out around 6am hooked north a few miles somewhere kinda even with Moclips or maybe Ocean Grove.. mile or so off shore. When we first dropped line... BLAM!!!! fish on!!! Pulled up huge Rock Bass... often time Doubles! The Hit a fairly large Ling!! Moved to another spot... same results... non stop action!!! Limited out on Bass... had to throw a couple lings back being slightly under length. Great times!!! Headed back and decided to fish "incidental Halibut" at 30 fathoms... no hits.. couple more lings... then the crew pulled up one of their crab pots and gave every team 4-5 Crabs... Great boat and crew!!! I'll be going out again this summer!!!

Sorry about not having pictures... It was so fast and furious we kinda forgot to take any...


5/21/2016 10:56:00 AM
which charter boat did you go out on
5/21/2016 3:30:00 PM
I'm not a fishing NAZI of any kind and I also have several Westport charter trips under my belt, but I do have to say that if your captain stopped his boat and fished for Halibut he should have his captain license suspended. An "incidental" Halibut is one that is caught by accident while fishing for a different species(not targeted) and you are allowed to keep it because it will die if released. General Halibut season is closed off the Westport coast. It is tough enough these days to keep recreational fishing, then a knucklehead captain intentionally fishes during a closed season. I just don't understand. At this point we have two options, we can regulate ourselves or we can tribes regulate us and they do use our fishing reports against us. I'm glad you had a great trip and this is not meant to offend anybody I just think this was wrong for a captain to fish a closed season.
5/21/2016 5:26:00 PM
hewesbob... I would agree except it was allowed until may 15th as per the WDFW within the 30 fathom line. Pretty sure the Captain is aware.. but if not.. I agree!
5/22/2016 10:35:00 AM
I truly apologize if I am wrong, I read the report that they "decided to fish INCIDENTAL HALIBUT at 30 fathoms". If it was legal to target halibut then why would they be an incidental catch? I am missing some thing in this report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709