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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chinook Salmon
All Day

Things have finally warmed up and our winter weather is a little more "Vancouver" like these days. Even though we did have quite a bit of snow this past month, we managed to get out frequently. On most days, we hooked some pretty nice fish. Over the last few weeks we have started to see some larger fish in the mix with some fish nice fish up to the 20 pound mark landed! Prawning and crabbing have been pretty good as well.

As usual for this time of year, we have been moving around quite a bit and finding fish in all of the normal winter chinook salmon spots. Vancouver Harbour, Howe Sound, and the Gulf Island's have all had fish in varying numbers depending on the day. We had a few pretty good days off West Vancouver last week. Check out this great unique video by www.corbiefieldwalker.com . We enjoyed a great day salmon fishing off West Vancouver after a snowfall in Mid February.

As we get in to March we should see some fish start to suspend in the water column a little more. Areas like Hole in the Wall and the Bell Buoy are often pretty good bets in March.

We have been having most of our success by running a mix of spoons and hootchies near bottom in 90 to 200 feet depending on where we are fishing. The spoons that have been good for us have been the G Force Trailhead, G Force Bon Chovy, Outfitter Skinny G, Bon Chovy Skinny G and the Silver Horde Irish Cream in 3.0/3.5. Hootchies that have been good have been the Yamashita green and chartreuse spackleback as well as the straight glow Yamashita. Our favourite Guide Series flashers have been working as always. Stop by our charter/tackle shop on Granville Island for the right gear for local waters.

Sturgeon fishing has started to pick up in the Fraser River and the cold weather and ice flows and are behind us now. Sturgeon fishing is also a great option in the spring time!

Please give us a call if you would like to get out on the water! Now is a great time of year to do a Winter Chinook Package with waterfront accommodation on Bowen Island! Check out this link for more info.



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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709