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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 12 Hood Canal Report



My brother in law, myself & 2 grandkids headed to Hoods Canal to get some fresh oysters & clams. We decided that Wolfe state park would be our destination. Glad we picked it since we wern't disappointed. We got limits of both species & the weather was great. It seems that the older I get, the harder those darn oysters are to shuck. The grandkids were gathering them faster than the 2 of us could shell them. The clam digging started out as a real disappointment. 2 fishery personnel told us to head north on the beach since that was where they do the most planting. We tried there & worked our tails off for a few steamers. I took the 2 kids & headed south of the entrance & we struck gold. Nice big fryer butter clams & 2 or 3 to every shovel. The kids were in heaven & so was grandpa! We ended up with 3 limits of butter clams, one of steamers, and 4 of oysters. The fisheries agent was checking everyone coming back to the parking lot & took no time at all in nabbing a violater. Great to see them checking limits & licenses. For the big clams head south near a large rock on the beach. For steamers & oysters head north.


4/18/2017 11:35:00 AM
I cant seem to find wolfe state parks location was wondering if i could get some assistance by chance, and thanks for the report sir!
4/18/2017 3:35:00 PM
Certainly! I believe it is in Jefferson county. It is connected to Shine state park on the south end. They are on the east side of the Hoods Canal bridge. As soon as you cross the floating bridge, Shine is on your right hand side. Take the first right & go about a 1/2 mile & you'll see a road on your right called Seven Sisters. Take it & you'll end up in the small parking lot at the end of the road. That is Wolfe Property state park. Both beaches close on the 15th of May. Hope that helps you.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709