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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Palouse River Report
Franklin County, WA



Smallmouth Bass

this is for the palouse river in whitman county around the Winona/Endicott area the small mouth bass fishing is great i have caught a couple rainbows in there there's alot of squaw fish in there i usually kill them i would hope you do the same on this small river there's to many squaws in there and its a good river just wish the state would look at it more and clean it up it runs through farm land mostly private access i found u can fish anywhere you can get to just respect the land and there property. all and all really good small mouth fishing average about 1lb I've caught a couple 4-5 pounders


10/23/2008 4:07:00 PM
nice fish how far are you from the river.
10/27/2008 2:38:00 PM
i live in spokane now but I actually grew up in endicott used to ride my bike 6 miles to fish this river alot when i was younger. Between my buddy and i growin up weve pulled out thousands and thousands of squaw fish aka northern pike minnow over the years. When we were younger we never caught any bass or rainbows or catfish. within the last 5 years ive caught more bass than squaws and caught a couple of rainbows and catfish i never knew were in there and doubt the state does. They are slowly working with the farmers to clean the river up but its just a deal where if the farmer wants to help he can so not much is goin on. I would no recommend eating any fish from the river but its a good river to just park and walk up definetly in the summer as the water warms up to about 80 and the bass go nuts around sun up and sun down. the deepest spot on the river is probably around 15 to 20 feet most spots are no more than 6 feet deep. Theres alot of rocks everywhere and tons of wildlife. This could be a quality trout stream plus bass and catfish if the state would work on it. the river starts up in the idaho mountains and ties in with the snake river just after palouse falls.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709