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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Hook & Bait

Not really a river report but we launched in Ebey Slough, ran out to Priest Point found the channel and anchored up to fish for Sturgeon.
The weather was beautiful when we launched at 8am.
The tide was still running out, high overcast, no wind and the air temp was 47.
The crabs were hungry. Even with magic thread it didn't take long for them to devour the sandshrimp.
We even wrapped them in spawn cloth and they would still rip them open and get the sandshrimp.
The tide went slack about 11am and then slowly started to flood back in.
The crab bite went dead as soon as the tide went slack.
Around 12 the wind started picking up out of the west so we pulled anchor and headed back up the slough.
Glad we left when we did, it didn't take long and the waves in the slough were starting to cap over.
I only made one mistake coming back in, I zigged when I should have zagged and the next thing I knew we were 1 1/2' of water. Tilted the motor up and backed off the flats and back out into the channel.
This spot is VERY exposed to the wind.
About a 3 mile run from the launch and I saw 2 nasty pilings out in the channel on the way out and could not even see them on the way in with the tide coming in.
We will need to pick a better tide if we go out there again.
I think we will give the lower Snoho a try soon.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709