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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Before I get into Banks Lk. bass fishing during this beautiful fall season Id like to report some walleye fishing my clients and I did on Rufus Woods. The fishing wasn't even close to being as successful as my June trip there where we'd catch our limit in an hour or 2, but it was still good. The water had been flushed so much, that it was crystal clear. I Know this affects our fishing. Especially jigging with a worm harness, which is what I like to do on the river. Remember , if you can see the fish, he/she can see you also! And did we see some fish. A client, Larry Dalton, who's a gentleman and a scholar, and I, saw 1 fish around 7-8 lbs sitting suspended off a big rock! Five minutes later we saw a good 10 lber! Of course we tried and tried to catch those 2 fish but to no avail. They were smart and I'm sure that's how they've grown to be so large! But what a thrill, just seeing them. I will be back!! LOL Just fishing on this beautiful body of water is a treat. Lots of wildlife and it's protected from the nasty o'l WIND, a Fisherman's worst enemy!!
Now to Banks Lake - All we fished for were small mouth. It was a little slower than usual for this time of year and again because of our beautiful weather. It really hadn't started to cool down much yet to bring those fish out for the awesome top-water bite that normally coincides with this time of year. We had to do some hunting but found a few pods of Really Nice 3 lb fish!!! The south end, mid lake and the Punch Bowl are where we found them. We caught the majority of those on a Carolina Rigging 4- 20 ft of water Drop Offs! Those were the key! Shallow water adjacent to some really deep water. Lizards worked well. Come fish with me this time of year and I can almost, guarantee a really fun day! All of them here this fall sure were a blast!!
Good Luck Fishing, and May God Bless!!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709