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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chico Creek Report
Kitsap County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chum Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Went out to Chico Creek yesterday at 130PM and waited for high tide at 3PM. There were about 50 people waiting for the schools to start coming in, but nothing was going on. No one caught anything for several hours! Hung out with the locals and had some great fellowship! We all realized that there were a couple boats anchored right in the middle of the channel and a few anglers wading in the channel as well.

Then 4PM hit and the boats left, as soon as they did it was FISH ON!! I rushed out towards the mouth of the channel where all the fly fishermen were and as soon as I casted my line I got a nice one on, but my line line snapped above my leader :( (I was using fireline crystal 20# test), so I frantically tied another one on and BAM! got another. I had him good and as I was walking him back to shore (75yds away), my line snapped again! I dont know what the problem is, havent had that problem all season long. But it was getting cold real fast and so I decided to call it a day.

All in all, when the schools came in, it was awesome and the weather was incredible! Everyone was slaying them. I will go back there this afternoon, high tide is at 335PM. Tight lines!


11/2/2009 1:48:00 PM
Where exactly is chico creek? And where did you find it on this website to post your report? I can't ever find anything on it except people sayin it's a good time.
11/2/2009 2:18:00 PM
Chico Creek is in Silverdale in Kitsap County. As soon as you come to the home page of this site there are 4 links "Read Latest Reports, Read All Reports, Submit New Reports and New Fishing Hot Spots." Click on Submit New Reports and it will lead you through a form that you can fill out and submit your reports and any photos you may have. Hope this helps.
11/2/2009 3:16:00 PM
Hey donman I switched to a braid line this year. I am using spiderwire stealth braid 20# test. I will not lie this is some strong stuff. Diameter of a 6# mono and 20Lb strength, Ive not snapped it above my swivel yet. I had to learn some new knots that work well with small diameter braid, but man its worth knowing that when I hook into anything my line isnt gonna snap. Well the main wont. Im still working on finding a leader I like. I used14 lb spider wire mono, I am trying 15 # maxima chemeleon right now. Its so much thicker then the spider wire and was still breaking on the big fish. I dunno maybe im just toooo impatient and not fighting them right. Well good luck to you.
11/2/2009 3:17:00 PM
Oh yeah try purple with the chum has been working for me.
11/2/2009 5:38:00 PM
I use 10# mainline and 8# Leader and have only broke 2 fish off this year
11/2/2009 6:58:00 PM
Thanks Flingpooh (did you get that from Madagascar?) and Nyhus99 for the info. I think maybe I'm not playing the fish enough and way too excited to get it back to shore. Of course I usually have my wingman Ronman with me and he backs me up with the net, but not yesterday.
11/2/2009 8:56:00 PM
Thanks for the report! Good read. You aren't alone in your feeling of having a fish break you off. I use 15lb test and 12lb leader and still have fish break me off. I have to think we are too much in a hurry and not tiring the fish out. It is kind of a helpless feeling having a monster pig on and he is taking out line and making your reel scream. You can't but not help but to tighten the drag..SNAP!!
11/2/2009 10:52:00 PM
Good job donman! Those chum will test your tackle
11/3/2009 8:37:00 PM
To fish Chico Creek you have to cross private land. Check with the people in the first house just south of the creek and they will give you a free permit to cross their land. They have a donation box and it would be nice if you drop a few bucks in the box just to say thanks. I have been told that the game warden will check to see if you have a permit. You can't actually fish the creek. You must fish the tide flat area. There is an orange marker to tell you where you can fish. There is also a port-a-potty and a trash can supplied by Sportsman's Warehouse (different name now). Enjoy
8/16/2013 1:29:00 AM
Haha the solution to your line problem is to not use Berkeley line. I used to use it and it's absolutely horrible with abrasion and know strength. I highly recommend P-Line or Izorline. For all around versatility use Maxima. Both gear heads and fly guides use it.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709