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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Nisqually River Report
Thurston County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chum Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Arrived just a little after 7am. The water level is very high and fast. Visible for only about 2-3 feet. Started just below the bridge, saw 4 other anglers there, not much action. Two fat sea lions in there just having a nice sushi party. I did catch alot of rockfish again and one stickfish. All the rockfish snapped my line, but did release the stickfish, it was huge. Moved up and down and did see one fellow hook a semi chrome chum hen. I offered to help net the fish for him (can you say deja vu), he didn't want it so I ended up taking the fish, I wanted to feel what it's like to have a fish on my pole. So I hooked the fish on my line and played with her, ahh it felt good. I walked the fish down river to show everyone I had fish on. Finally the fish tired out and brought it back to shore, then asian lady came up asking me how I caught that, and I told her someone else caught the fish and I was just playing with it. So I gave the fish to her. Went back to the area where that fish was caught and nothing, tried other areas and nothing but rockfish. Tried to fish with my blue fox spinner and nothing. Finally my last 12th leader snapped from the rockfish, decided that was the end for me, left around 11am.


1/2/2010 5:26:00 PM
That's a funny report! Feels good to have something on the line.....
1/2/2010 5:43:00 PM
Wow that is desperation. Yesterday I had a similar encounter with a hooked fish. Today I was up river from you at the campground just a ways upriver from the gravel bar from close to 7am to 1pm. Nothing...I didn't even see anyone play any fish. Did the seals eat them all?
1/2/2010 6:56:00 PM
Wow is right Toni. Kinghunter!! What are you doing? To quote you, "..played with her, ahh it felt good?" What the...
I heard the fish were upriver with these rains. You should have went to the campground like I told you.
1/2/2010 7:34:00 PM
OMG kinghunter we need to get you into some fish of your own soon huh. lol Ive never heard of taking someone elses fish and hookin it and tossin it back in to feel a fight. Thats just crazy. If you start rockin back and forth and hearin voices maybe keep it to yourself. You still want people fishin with ya.
1/2/2010 7:40:00 PM
Before anyone thinks I hooked it like Kinghunter and (Jens) played with her...Gary hooked the fish and handed me the rod to bring it in.
1/2/2010 7:50:00 PM
LMAO...................... WTF !
1/2/2010 8:54:00 PM
hey kinghunter do you know of a good spot on the nisqually?
1/3/2010 5:52:00 PM
Brian - The river is quite high and fast so it is really hard to get a good drift without putting more weights on and then you are constantly fighting the rockfish. I thought the upper area by the campground would be better, but I guess with the giant sea lions hanging around, they have drastically reduced the number of fish around or they are hiding really well.

Pooh - No voices in my head, just desperation to have a feel of that jerk on the other end of my fishing line. I have to tell you it did feel good for that few minutes. Yes please get me on some steely please, before I really start to hear Jens voice " hahaha no steely for kinghunter", then I might start snapping someone's line.

Jens - Nice of you to keep rubbing it in about your 2nd steely, I guess when the river is stacked full of steelys, it wouldn't be much of an effort to catch them. Nice job anyway. The Nasty is done, unless we can figure out a way to get rid of those sea lions, I think actually there is more than 2 of them, the whole family are in the river. I guess if I really want to catch something I could go to Bagachiel or Forks, but man that is like 3-4 hours drive. Now my focus is on spending some quality time with my kids, you should do likewise.

Toni - Thanks for understanding.

TT08 - Where is he? Is he still at Port Ludlow?

GP: What have you been up to?

BS: Any more luck at the 116th?

Ok thanks everyone for understanding, and wish you guys all the luck this year. Happy SNAPPY LINES!!!!!
1/4/2010 12:26:00 PM
You'll get one. Start buttering up your wife so you can go this saturday.
1/4/2010 2:19:00 PM
King hunter, I'm still alive but working too much. Funny report bro. Don't let jendizzle bother you its all good. Some of us don't work bankers hours so that we can fish all the time. Some of us have more responsibility than just fishing. Jens what happened to fishing being for fun not a competition? Don't bug a guy for his dry streak.
1/4/2010 2:36:00 PM
tt08, kinghunter started it.
1/5/2010 7:03:00 PM
Jens are you still in kindergarten? "Kinghunter started it" Come on man, lets have fun. Remember our younger years, carrying our own bags and 72 holes? Lets relive our youth and have fun again.
8/4/2010 1:53:00 PM
Ey jens and kinghunter. Long time no talk. I was down on the military side yesterday and saw a couple of soldiers land a couple jacks. Other then that nothin much. Did see alot rollin around the bend towards the opening of the river.
Trout for Life
8/29/2010 6:16:00 PM
Catch and Release?
8/30/2010 1:20:00 PM
What the?? What is your deal trout for life?
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709