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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

Fished the cowlitz from about 3pm jan1st till 8 am jan 2nd LONG DAY lol but a great day since i took home a 7lb winter steelie my first steelhead YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saw about 10 fish walked out as i walked back to the mouth of blue creek so i would say the fishing is fairly decent i picked mine up around 4am with 2 blue glow balls and a bit of glow yarn. good luck to every one else and tight lines!!!!


1/3/2010 11:08:00 AM
wow that is a long night of fishing. 17 hours!!!! glad it paid off
1/3/2010 12:28:00 PM
WTG It takes awhile it seems but the cowlitz glowballin is the place to be right now for steelies. I have not made it out to forks yet but would like to when I can get my cousin to go that way with me. Ive not tried blue yet maybe next time Im down there. Good luck on more fish.
1/3/2010 3:07:00 PM
That's some serious fishing. Great job on the steelie! Enjoy everybit of that fish....
1/3/2010 5:10:00 PM
The blue ones keep their glow longer i think only thing is you need a very bright light source to get em going. Someone told me if you expect to get a steelie you better be willing to put some time in lol i ws dtermined to put in that time this weekend:)
1/3/2010 7:44:00 PM
Nice job! I am with you there about putting your time in. I even put my time in while I am sleeping. lol
1/3/2010 8:13:00 PM
Wow I have seen that fish before I thinks I have seen them boots 2 I have! same pic I have on my cell phone hehehehe. Right on dude about time 1 of us hooked a damn steelie! Keep them reports coming bro.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709