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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Muddy Fork Cowlitz River Report
Lewis County, WA


Float Fishing

Well, Chalk another one up for the steelies! Hit blue creek area right before daylight. Had a really good spot right below the mouth of the creek next to the boundary sign. Noticed they were running really tight to the bank so I shortened my leader a little and went at it. Had a few takedowns but nothing on. Reeled in a few setups. Think I found one of yer glowball setups flinginpooh. Tried working out a little farther. One takedown and that was it. I watched a guide boat running right on top of my drift with almost the exact same setup I was using land 2 nice ones on two seperate passes within a half an hour (sound familiar jens...). Talk about frustrating. Anyways, tried a few more things and nothing panned out so I packed up and went back north to the Skook. Found a nice quiet hole with a good drift right on top of a set of rapids. Started working with the little cleo copper spoon I still had on from earlier and I got a hit. Lost him a second or two later but at least I had one on. Hung out there for a few and decided to call it quits and head for home around 4:30. Oh well. Maybe it's time to give up on my hunt for winter steelies and get primed for the springers. We'll see... Good luck out there!


2/11/2010 7:51:00 AM
I probably would have just went home after the Cowlitz. My mine starts thinking...I have so much else to do. Good thing you stayed in there. I don't think I even have a copper anything. Was the hook dull do you think? Or was it just a bad hook set?
2/11/2010 9:36:00 AM
Don't give up!! Just a matter of time, if the guides are consistenly pulling out fish, then they are in there. That spot you fished down by BC will be really good. Sorry you got lost trying to find the spot on the Chuck, It took me and kinghunter over 2.5 hours the first time we tried to find it and being in the car with that fella that long and being lost will drive a man to stab his eyes out.
2/11/2010 12:38:00 PM
Just a bad set. Felt like a snag at first so I didn't really give it the set I wanted too... DOH!!
2/11/2010 1:12:00 PM
Hey Slayer,

At least you had couple of hits, I've forgotten what that even feels like. About Jens comment, I was about ready to buy him a dress, stopping at every store and telling me to get out and ask for directions. I whipped out my cell phone and got the google map directions. Man, don't rely on him to get directions ahead of time anymore.
2/11/2010 1:24:00 PM
I just bought a Tom Tom kinghunter, you dum dum.
2/11/2010 4:31:00 PM
Just realized I posted this under the wrong section. Should be cowlitz county. Oops, my bad!
2/11/2010 8:35:00 PM
Jens just a warning, no name calling, you don't want to get banned do you? Besides those gps are not 100% reliable, especially down in the woods. All I'm saying (with kid's voice) " You started it!!!"
2/11/2010 9:08:00 PM
Yes Jens, kinghunter is right. 2 people this winter have gotten last on logging roads following their GPS.
2/11/2010 11:04:00 PM
I just want some more fish. Ya know its been a month and a half since ive gotten one to shore and 3 weeks since I had one on my line. Im hearing first of the month should be good down cowlitz way.
2/11/2010 11:42:00 PM
Now now children...
2/12/2010 11:39:00 AM
kinghunter, just a warning, no name calling, you don't want to get banned do you? Besides gps are 100% reliable, especially down in the woods. All I'm saying (with kid's voice) " You started it!!!"
2/12/2010 8:33:00 PM
One word "J-Lame-0"!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709