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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Quillayute River Report
Clallam County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

Camped at Mora Campground by Rialto Beach and got the chance to check out this amazing river. The mouth and start of the most abuntant rivers (Bogachiel n Sol Duc) in Washington for salmon, steelhead and ocean run cutthroat, I can see why this rivers gets so much credit.
I took some time and headed down every access road marked by a Public Fishing sign and looked at the river. One spot had a decent boat launch but now I can't remember the road name. There I tossed a silver Luhr Jensen Needlefish in and had many strikes and follows by little 6-8"ers. At one point while reeling back in a huge splash and turn tore up the water about 50 ft. down river. I picked up my stuff and ran the bankline to get within casting distance. By the time I hiked up and down the bank to get back to the river the fish had swirled twice more going after something. I saw the back of the fish on one surface and it looked to be at least 12-15lbs. My best quess would be a summer run steelhead. I posted up and casted a homemade pink jig out upstream to as close to the spot as I could and I let the lure run downstream. After multiple baits and casts later I gave up. This event got me excited about the potentail for this river.
Later that evening I headed out again to another access road and was able to get straight down to the river. At this point I could parallel the river by driving on the river rock. One spot that had a nice backwater action caught my attention and I stopped immediately. With the silver Needlefish tied on I caught several cutthroat with the biggest being just over 13in. I switched between a yellow Lippripperz mini jig and the needlefish and just about every cast had either a tiny strike or follow by several smaller fish. Great unexpected action. This river is beautiful and the campgrounds were great. I will be back for a seasonal run and recommend the camping to anyone . Much to do and see in this amazing area of the state.


The Quadfather
7/10/2010 11:57:00 PM
Ah yes...Mora, you are following my Oly. Pen. trail. Nice report.
7/11/2010 8:14:00 PM
What kind of bass is that?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709