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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn
All Day

Before i get started with my report i just gotta say thanks to goin_postal he gave me some good advice

And just for the people who dont know im only 12 years old and im still on my quest to get my first king.I got to the sko at about 7:00 a.m and saw a few fsh rolling. There were a few people with some hook ups. I didnt get anything until about 1:00 I had a nice fish hooked up rigt in the mouth I hooked her on black yarn and an orange corkie and a leader as long as My rod. I was battling this fish for about 5 minutes i had finally almost had her to the net and SNAP leader broke. I looked at my line and just laughed. I hooked into one more for a few seconds and lost him as well never saw him my other fish jumped a few times givin a show. That was it for my action my uncle didnt get any hook ups or hits. I heard a few guys talkn about how kids cant fish.
Just because im 12 doesnt mean i cant catch a 15 pound salmon.
Just because im 12 doesnt mean idk how to fish.
Just because im 12 doesnt mean idk what im doing cuz there were a few guys who had no idea what they were doing.
Well my overalll count was 0/2 today. I had fun met a few guys invited a few guys to the site.
Im headin out tomorrow and am campin out for a week.
Until next time.


Mike Carey
8/2/2010 9:43:00 PM
cool. I bet you get your first king this year. good luck!
8/2/2010 9:55:00 PM
I bet you know how to fish better than a lot of those jerks especially the ones talking crap. If they were good fisherman they would offer advice and tips instead of being jerks. Anyhow nice job on at least hooking up you will get one soon.
The Quadfather
8/2/2010 10:37:00 PM
I"ll give you this.... You have better grammer skills than a lot of guys 3x your age on the computer. (-: Keep at those fish!
8/2/2010 10:46:00 PM
That's awesome. I caught my first King when I was your age, and I've been catching steelhead since I was six! Not from a boat either. Don't give 'em a second glance, and try a little bit stronger leader. :)
8/2/2010 10:52:00 PM
Good job on the hook ups. There are alot of guys out there that didnt get that on that river Im sure. Josh is a good guy. My son is 11 and he loves fishing too. Hes yet to get a king but Ill get him out to try it when the puyallup heats up. Just keep at it and youll get one sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. And some of them are alot bigger then 15lbs. Make sure your leaders and knots are strong.
8/2/2010 11:53:00 PM
Anyone able to tell me what is running and about when they come? Heard about this river but have never had a chance to make it out. Interested in Kings and Silvers.
8/3/2010 12:19:00 AM
You have got the right idea! Long leader, black yarn, knowledge, and the drive. Keep it up kid!!! Memories afield will be some of the fondest in life and nobody can take them from you. Just a bit of advice chrome red or black corkie smallest you can get and substitute yarn with dyed wool attached to hide for easy keeping. Tried and true. Fleece is boyant enough no corkie is needed.
8/3/2010 1:00:00 AM
Bravo fishbait! Way to keep a positive attitude! You probably got twice the hookups those others did and I'll bet they were just jealous! Keep it up buddy... You'll get one soon!
8/3/2010 6:53:00 AM
Hey fishbait, you are so far ahead of those jealous trash talkers it is unbelievable. I'm with Mike, this is going to be your year to land your first of many. Keep the positive attitude & tune those trash talkers out. Knots, leader weight & length will all come together for you as long as you are willing to get out there. Keep it up!
8/3/2010 8:57:00 AM
Fishbait, your site name reminds me of fish in the movie "Nemo". I like your moxy. Right off I was impressed with your grammar. Then, your fishing ability, and now your advanced wisdom for you age. As you know, your fishing for the largest salmon of the salmon species, hope your strapping on a life vest so you can safely real that next hook up to the net. It is going to happen, there is no doubt in my mind. As a matter of fact, your schooling me on text language! Idk is " I don't know" ?.....................Ihni (I had no idea)
Uncle Wes
8/3/2010 9:57:00 AM
FB, Don't worry about those other guys most of them could n't catch fish if they jumped in the boat or put themselves on the stringer. Time on the water will improve your technique, knowledge, and skill. I would say you have a good head start already.and I'd bet money your going to land a very nice one don't forget to get a pic for yourself it will always be something you can reflect on with pride. Take care.
8/3/2010 10:12:00 AM
Hey fish_bait Keep your head up and keep fishing next time when you land it those same guys will be telling how nice your fish is.All these guys replying on your report are probably some of the most experienced anglers on this website don't be shy about asking questions. They give me tips all the time. Good luck !!!!
8/3/2010 2:18:00 PM
Way to go Jacob- Keep at it. My son caught a few Kings last year and his biggest was over 30lbs. He's 13 now. Do you know the looks he was getting when he was walking downriver with pigs on his line at the Cow? He was outfishing most of the guys there. Talk to your parents, maybe I can get you out with me and my son one of these days.

8/3/2010 2:41:00 PM
keep at it..... im only 15 and i know what ya mean about people tellin you that you dont know how to fish....... i still smoke half the people out on the rivers...... you will get your king someday
8/3/2010 3:11:00 PM
hey man i was in the same boat at your age i think people get ashamed when some one way younger than them is schooling them. but good job on the hook ups i've still yet to catch a steelhead and im 18 and have been fishing since i could stand so dont ever get discouraged your time will come and then you can talk trash right back to those loosers :D
8/3/2010 3:49:00 PM
I think this is getting off track a little bit. It really isn't about smoking others on the rivers or outfishing everyone. Show respect to the river and the river will respect you. Once you start banking fish, trust me, you will start earning respect.
8/3/2010 9:52:00 PM
I agree with Jens ya know im just out there to have a good time-Honestly i didnt even want to keep the fish if i caught one or not.
8/5/2010 12:10:00 PM
hey don't even listen to those idiots down there an I know what u mean I see people that have no clue what there doing salmon fishing all the time n then u see kids like the one yesterday at the skok he was 9 or 10 useing a bait casting real an kept hooking up n the people started trying to crowd him out which is a buch of crap kids can fish an know what there doing if someone takes the time to sow them my sons six an been driving crazy wanting to go salmon fish so this year we're gonna see if i can get him into a silver or to n c how he dose well good luck on your first king you'll get one just keep putting in time on the river
8/5/2010 2:46:00 PM
Doesn't matter what age, in combat rivers, please cast in order. Nuff said.
8/6/2010 10:00:00 PM
Im with Jens again there are alot of adults that have no clue what there doing.There is some kids out there thast have no clue what there doing.Not casting in order can cause alot of issues,like losing a fish.
8/8/2010 9:55:00 AM
Don't let the adults fool you they where jealous because a young fisherman was actually hooking up with some stubern kings. It probably took them tell they were in there thirties before they ever started even thinking they had a chance of bringing one home. I am 30 and have A 4yearold boy who cant tie his own shoe but when it comes to a fishermans knot he even adds saliva to wet the not. Keep up at it .
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709