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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Float Fishing
Pink Salmon

Hit the Stilly after work with my 2 year old daughter and girlfriend. Got there around 3:30 and was suprised to only see 2 other guys fishing. Saw fish rolling so I casted my usual float rig and dick nite. 2nd cast and my bobber goes down and its fish on. Small buck, but he goes on the stringer. Cast out again, and bobber down. Another one one the stringer. Then people show up around me and wade chest deep in the water spooking the fish. Water was gin clear so I was staying on the sand bank and casting to the far side. Fishing slowed for about 1 hour until the sun started to set and shade came onto the river. By this time the bank was packed, but fishing was hot for us. One bobber down after another. We were off the river by 6:00 with 7 fish. The whole time I didn't see any other fish caught. I'm no pro, but I do notice people wading way out right next to the fish and casting their rigs right on top of them and jigging the crap out of them most likely spooking the fish. I use a 10'6 rod and float rigged with flourocarbon leader and stay on the bank casting upstream of the fish and letting the float dead drift through the run... works for me. Going to the salt tomorrow to see if theres anything out there... tight lines.


9/10/2011 12:40:00 AM
What hole were you fishing? Nice fish! They seem pretty bright compared to some I've been getting in the snoho.
9/10/2011 6:21:00 AM
I was fishing Haller Park. Both times I've been to Haller this year I've caught fish. I tried Blue Stilly park once and didn't catch any. I might try Blue Stilly again this weekend though to get away from the combat fishing at Haller.
9/14/2011 9:58:00 AM
Those do look nice! Most of my have been a bit greener, but they do silver up some once they are bled. I've had no luck with a spoon under a bobber tho. Just drifting a spoon is working for me....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709