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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Pink Salmon
All Day

Well. My brother and my dad heard about how many fish I have been catching and wanted to get the tour of pink fishing, so I took them to my honey holes.

We started at the Duwamish in the morning,I met them there, of course they didn't catch anything until I got there. When the tide stopped we went upstream a bit. I had a fish on every other cast. I told them that we had to leave at 11 no matter how good the fish were biting, because we were going to play with some different fish.

I lost count of how many I hooked. They were biting dick nites, in the small variety of 50/50. My company got the hang of it with my help and got some nice chromers, and we moved north to the Sky, which was closer to my house and I had to give them some smoked salmon.

We went up and scoped out the Wallace at the hatchery, there were a bunch of kings, a whole bunch of kings and humpys. Caught a few of those jumpies and looked for steelhead and coho. There was a couple steelhead in the mess of kings and pinks, but no takers and no coho yet. Water was super low, as soon as this rain hits, we should see a decent push of coho up the snoho.

Ended up the day at the Ranch in Sultan. Was fish after fish. I couldn't make a cast without hooking up. I love how ugly and colorful the humpies get up there! I caught a monster 11 pounder, I couldn't believe it! It was ridiculous looking! Like godzilla! Every once in a while we'd catch a fish that was fresh enough to bring home, they just keep pouring into the rivers. We only kept hens though. The fish ate up dick nites and orange corkies, jumped on them like bacon cheesebugers. There were other people fishing that went all day without one fish. It takes a knack I guess. In all, we ended up with tired arms and I got another personal best! I'm working up to catching a record. Say what you will about the pinks, they are a blast to catch.


9/18/2011 7:38:00 AM
I believe they are fun to catch, too. Thank you for the report.
9/18/2011 9:20:00 AM
Oh Boy, a 11 pound pink. To bad there is no picture of that gargantuan, morphing, canine toting, hooked nosed, camel back, Humpzilla. It is interesting to see the change from chrome bright to spawning adorned colors and shape. Good on you for sharing your outdoor experience with your pops and bro.
9/18/2011 10:31:00 AM
11 pounder that must of been fun!! i love the humpies even there so ugly =@
9/18/2011 12:10:00 PM
Are you on catch card 3 yet LOL? I'm on 2 and headed back out. Might as well stock up on the easy stuff while I can in case something gets to where I can't get after the good stuff (coho and 'nooks). They're going to be getting too dark probably in the next week or two. Most pinks I've caught have fought pretty well. Uh, the 6 pound test helped it seem that way anyways :-) Thanx for the report and good on you for making it a family event!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709