Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Decided to punch in a quick trip to the Duw (about half hour of direct fishing time). Fish hooked were darkening up for my tastes and only kept one buck that was just starting to hump up. Released the rest. The last 15 minutes or so I got nada. First 15 minutes I htought i'd be able to pick thru and get a limit in maybe an hour. Unfortunately didn't work out that way..
Had a small school of coho move thru with one big buck having fun on top of the water for a few seconds. No hookups unfortunately from those bigger buggers. Maybe a good thing cuz I don't have much 10 pound test on the reel LOL. No prob getting in something around 8-9 pounds, but a low teens fish could quickly spool me on first run even tho I know full well how much line I can have out.
Picked up a little litter, some mono and a couple red bull cans. Handed a little hootchie skirt to a gentleman using one that looked too stiff.
Thinking this may be the last of the fishing right before/during work hours. There are probably bright fish coming thru here and there but don't have the time to hunt for them. Was fun while it lasted though :-)
I'd like to thank islandbass and losaturn for getting me to skip out a li'l bit to enjoy the good life! Good luck all on the water...
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service