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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Coho Salmon

I fished the snohomish today, targeted Coho. spent three hours on the bank and got skunked. I have no luck lately, last four outings and not even a bite. I have yet to catch a silver.

My setup is as follows. Ugly stick lite 8'6", 15# power pro hi-vis yellow. 4' of 15# leader to a 3 way swivel. 3/4 oz drop sinker on 4" of 8# leader. 6 more feet of 15# leader to lure. I have tried 50/50 dick nites in all sizes as well as straight chrome dick nites. Also threw some blue fox spinners sizes 1 thru 4 in many colors. Tried all sorts of retreives.

I you have any advice or if you want to pick me up in your boat and help me catch my first silver send me a PM.

Thanks. Ted.


Nate Sofie
10/1/2011 10:45:00 PM
I tried all of those lures as well as corky and yarn.targeting silvers and I had no luck. Switched to a pink and white jig with flash to see if there might be a run of fresh pinks and landed a silver on the third cast. My brother did the same thing. I'd say try a pink jig. where are you fishing?
10/1/2011 10:58:00 PM
I didnt try any jigs, thought about it. I was fishing the "hot spot" (between the float plane and the highway 9 bridge). Had no luck there last couple weeks. Then the last two times out I fished the spots downtown just upriver of the Ave D bridge. I did see a guy land a nice chrome pink today but nobody else was getting action. I will re-stock my box with some jigs and give them a shot. Whats flash? Tinzel?
Bretts Dad
10/2/2011 8:56:00 AM
I was planning on going up there Saturday until I heard 405 was closed so I stayed south of Seattle and had a similar day on the Duwamish. Maybe it just sucked everywhere Saturday.
10/2/2011 9:16:00 AM

I'm in the same boat (or bank) as you. I've been out 6 times since the end of August and have fished Rotary Park to Hwy 9 and Thomas Eddy with no luck. I'm running a ugly stick with 12lb Izoreline Hi-vis Yellow with a sliding dropper of hollow core lead and a 4' 10lb leader and a dick nite 50/50.
10/2/2011 10:44:00 AM
Hey Ted,
I sympathize with your dilema, and have had a few similar days. However, my luck has turned around lately thanks to a few good tips and being at the right place, at the right time. The experts say to get on the water at least one hour before to two hours after high tide. Also, both Pinks and Coho bite a lot more in the morning. Last Friday, Sept 30th I made it on the water at about 8:30am with my grandfather's modified row boat. I was told by a local expert that the silvers were farther up stream, between Pilchuck and French creek, and that trolling with a green, yellow and red wiggle wart would land me fish. I trolled for about an hour there without a bite, but did watch other's pull in several coho on that same setup. Argggh. Part of the problem was getting the right speed to put the plug near, but not on the bottom as depth changed from 20' to 5' deep. Then, I saw a place where the water was boiling with fish, right at the edge of a small, deeper hole. I anchored and casted a green tipped, silver Dick Nite with Herring oil on it. I quickly had a fish on! It was a heavy fish that tested my reel settings. It was a male humpy. I let him go. Two more casts, Bam! Another humpy, this time hooked in the hump. I let hip go too. Then it occurred to me that where there are humpies, there may be coho...? Yep. Bam!! Fish on. It took my line on a run. First, one way, then the other, circling the boat and heading right towards another boat! I was able to retrieve her enough to avoid that ugly situation, but what a fight! After a few minutes she finally surrendered to my net. I nice bright 10 lb silver. Very tasty too, I might add. Last week I jigged for pinks a little above the town of Snohomish with a pink squid near the bottom. This was very successful for humpies then. Could still get them now.
Tips: Early start, look for fish on water, deeper holes, green and silver Dick Nite
Happy fishing! Larry
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709