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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA



Chum Salmon

Duwamish Report – 11-15-11 – Another Short Fishing Stint

I have been really busy with work that I have not been able to fish as much as I wanted to, with the exception of this past Sunday.

4:30pm - Blaze out of the parking lot at work knowing that time is short. The sky was still blue despite the sun being unseen. It was going to be a battle of traffic and time.

4:40pm – Whew! Luckily, I got from work to Tukwila on the Duwamish in a short amount of time. Two rigs were supposed to be ready to go, but all the dangling around in the trunk got them tangled up. I wasted nearly five minutes untangled the lines. I dash to the spot I had in mind.

4:48pm - Nearly huffing but not quite puffing, I put place my rod quiver down.

Rig #1 - 8'6" Lamiglas rod mated to a Curado 201DHSV, spooled with 10# test monofilament line. Homemade 1/4oz purple/pink marabou jig tied on.

Rig #2 - 7' Cabelas Mag Touch Rod mated to a Curado 201BSF, spooled with about a 40' of 30# braid on top, backed with 8# monofilament. Homemade copper bladed/black bodied inline spinner.

My gut said go with the inline spinner, so you know I started with Rig #1.

4:50pm - I started casting immediately. Saw two fish roll on the other side of the bank. Why is that always the case? The jig wasn't cutting it, and there was not much time left.

5:00pm - Time to switch tactics. It was getting dark fast, but there was still a little light remaining in the sky. Screwed up the first few casts that didn't land where I wanted to start so I quickly reeled those up. I finally landed it where I wanted it. Felt the blade spinning beautifully and then a massive tug and movement away from me. Ahhh yeah!!! Dang it felt so good to hook up. I wasn't asleep this time. BAM! Fish on, fight on!!!

I took my time with this battle and relished every moment. It made quite a few runs. Every time I brought it closed with used its brute strength to pull against the drag. I could also tell that this chum was pushing my medium action bass rod to its limits. Applying math and employing the drag were the two things that would see this through. Awesome!!! Gotta to love this!

We battled for what was probably five minutes, give or take a minute. Being in work clothes and not wanting to get muddy or possibly fall in, I let me line go really slack when I brought her in as close to the shore as I needed to see it. For the record, the chum never left the water.

This was perhaps the biggest one I ever caught and still in great shape. It knew exactly what to do when I released the tension on the line. It effortlessly shook off the spinner and rolled on the water's surface as if to say, "See you next time." I gave it a salute and headed back to the car.

5:18pm - In the car, on the way home and feeling good like James Brown. I am ready to complete some tasks on the "honey due" list tonight.

Sorry, no pictures of the fish for this short outing. My phone camera doesn't have flash, and we all know what a chum looks like anyway. Thank you, my chum!

The spinner I used looks like the one on the bottom. It has also nailed pinks and three silvers this season.


11/15/2011 11:26:00 PM
great report! i have yet to try and fish for / catch the chums that have been running. hope to get into them soon though :)
Gringo Pescador
11/16/2011 7:10:00 AM
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709