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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Float Fishing
Fish Eggs
All Day

Gringo Pescador and I floated from High Bridge down to Sultan. The water flow was only 1,600 so there was some pretty dead water and it took the full day to get through. The water was low and clear - and fishing was tough. We tried various methods, float with eggs, or jigs, and pulling plugs. Couldn't hook any steelhead, which was frustrating considering all the water we drifted through with absolutely no one else on the river. Gringo did manage a nice dolly, a white fish in one area of frog water, and we could have probably caught more, but we wanted that steelhead! Gringo did manage to get one huge chum salmon a little farther down river. No steelhead. Me, I rowed the boat, LOL. It was a great day on the water, cold but warmed up with the sun. Got some video recorded. Got a flat tire. Just another day in Steelheading paradise!


12/13/2011 12:19:00 AM
Wow!!!! What a beautiful day to bad fish weren't hitting, but sure beats work any day! From high bride to Sultan is the pontoon boat easy to use? I have been looking into a personal one just for myself, about 9 to 10ft. What brand do you use and why?
Gringo Pescador
12/13/2011 9:02:00 AM
If nothing else I can always seem to hook a chum in the winter! Fog was thick and cold in the morning but burned off to be a beautiful quiet day. We were escorted down most of the river by 6 bald eagles - even got to see a couple sparring on the ground for a little bit. Saw NO other humans until almost the Wallace. The water was so low, I didn't even recognize the mouth of the Wallace when we got there even though I've fished it many times before! It was a great day, even with a comedy of errors and misaps before and after the float making it a longer than normal day.
Mike Carey
12/13/2011 9:29:00 AM
I have a Dave Scadden two person, 11 footer. It's rated class 3-4 whitewater but even so, the first rapids below High Bridge had a high pucker factor for me. There were some big waves we ran through! I like my pontoon - it's about 8 years old and still in great condition. I have it rigged with a pair of rod holders in the front which is great for plug pulling. I don't do a lot of river floats, but when I do use it I have it rigged with 3 heavy duty carlisle oars and wear a life jacket at all times. Our biggest issue wasn't big water it was skinny water and getting stuck, which happened a couple times. I consider my skillls to be intermidiante at best (sorry Gringo, I didn't mention that, LOL). The Scadden is tough and comfortable.
12/13/2011 9:49:00 AM
Kokaholic, my landlord has a brand new "personal" raft if you interested. It weighs about 140 and fits into its own backpack. pm me if interested.
12/13/2011 10:30:00 AM
Great photo!
Gringo Pescador
12/13/2011 10:41:00 AM
Ha! Didn't notice. Maybe it is a good thing I sat in front and couldn't see you. I was blissfully enjoying the ride through those rapids thinking to myself "sheesh, whats the big deal, Mike's got it all under control".
12/14/2011 12:41:00 PM
"sheesh, whats the big deal, Mike's got it all under control."......LOL. Ignorance is bliss! What you don't know won't hurt you. :)
Lord Of The Fly
12/15/2011 1:18:00 PM
Man, I would love to fish a river like that some day. Bet there aren't many days when the water is as calm as it was. So wish I was there right now instead of work. :)
12/15/2011 2:59:00 PM
I did that float last saturday and couldn't hook a steelhead either but the boat behind us said they had three for six steelies that day. They must have had good eggs cause I was using the same thing but my eggs were sulphite cured. I heard a dry boraxed egg skein worked better for steelies.
12/16/2011 3:44:00 PM
Scadden Big Horn Drifter? I have the same exact boat, red and everything
12/16/2011 5:49:00 PM
The best pontoons by far are made by Aire in Meridian, ID. Fat water, skinny water, they handle it all. Check 'em out at: http://aire.com/aire/products/?type=32
12/18/2011 7:55:00 AM
Excellent camera setup for the video! The wide angle with crisp focus and the way you have the camera locked off helps us all concentrate on seeing what you guys did. Keep them coming! :-)
1/5/2012 3:27:00 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709