Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Took a fellow WaLaker out for a taste of bank pounding for steelhead. Took two rigs, parked one upriver, then drove downriver and fished our way up to the 1st rig. Covered about 1.5 miles of river total. C&R-ed a 16" cutt out from a pocket-hole behind a boulder early morning, then a 6# native hen a little later along a nice little seam in the same area so had high hopes for the rest of the day. But as it turns out that was all the fish we saw (other than chum) the whole day. Spent a lot of time spot-fishing small pools in the rapids hoping to find some little hiding spots to no avail. Out of all the people we came across, only heard of two other steelhead caught in the area today. Water was low low low and clear clear clear. It was my last outing for 2011, and a good day anyway. Got to see a lot of structure that is usually under water, will use that knowledge later! And got to know another member of this site. We need rain! No pics - to busy releasing fish.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service