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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skookumchuck River Report
Lewis County, WA




Another day at the Skookumchuck! Arrived after noon to a bunch of empty handed fisherman leaving and mumbling goodluck. Talked to a guy who said no one touched a fish that morning. My bf and I rigged up and tried one of our favorite spots right next to where everyone parks but no one ever fishes. The guy we talked to was down there throwing a last few casts. I cast my typical pearl pink corkie with shrimp oil, 2nd cast fish on! The fish was a good sized one, and after a few jumps he throws the hook. The guy was like what the!? So I cast a few times more and bam another fish on! After a lil bit he comes unbuttoned too. No worries, two fish on in only minutes. So the old guy comes up and is like what the heck you using? We fish the area a bit more and decide to move. We walked by the waterfall by the red gate, Im not sure what that branch of water is called. There were steelhead trying to jump up those falls! I couldnt believe it! So I took some video of the crazy fish. Pretty awesome to watch! we went across the field to a spot that was suprisingly empty cause it never is, its the concrete slab that I see the aero flossers on everytime Ive been there. We fish it for hours with nothing. Not a fish rolling or jumping. I dont know what time it was but I see a fish roll, then another, then all of the sudden the fish liven up. And there are fish jumping and rolling. So we keep fishing but get nothing. we pick up and move and I notice theres no one fishing a portion of the river that usually is packed with guys. Its just down river from the corner where everyone float fishes. With no one fishing it the fish were up really shallow I could see fish just sitting in a foot of water. So I cast carefully to them and my stuff drifts past, I watch one turn around and almost bite my stuff, but it didnt. So then I cast again and this time my weight hangs up for a bit, and that pause in the drift one of the fish comes over and takes my corkie. Fish On, an awesome buck! Good sized and not dark! My bf gets excited and he casts out and hooks a fish. After a bunch of jumps somehow the fish snags itself? So then it takes him awhile to get it in, it was a gorgeous buck. so we net him unhook him and turn him loose. My guy was soo disappointed. I hook into numerous fish. My bf finally brings in his first steelhead, "keeper." And hes pretty excited. In this part of the river I am seeing sooo many fish I couldnt believe it. I talked with a guy fishing by us, (he hooks a chrome fish while we talk,) and he said he talked to a hatchery guy who said the "B" run is starting, and they took seven truckloads of fish and there were 20+ hatchery steelhead in the bunch. Which I realized those must be the monster fish Ive hooked into but couldnt even budge! So I get a nice hen on and decide to keep her cause shes pretty bright looking. I stop fishing and wait for my guy to limit. After a bit he decides to call it quits, so we leave with three fish before its dark, which is a first for us!


3/27/2012 8:00:00 PM
Photo added.
3/27/2012 8:45:00 PM
Way to go!!! Thank you for your reports.
3/27/2012 9:18:00 PM
Nice, I still wish I had my fishing partner. She wanted steel too.
3/27/2012 9:30:00 PM
wow! awesome awesome awesome!
3/28/2012 6:26:00 PM
Awesome report! Makes me want to try the Skookumchuck.
3/29/2012 10:55:00 AM
I've been wonting fish there but hard get out of boat and Wade been long time
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709